
Tamers Movie 2: Runaway Locomon

In this movie, Rika sings. Surprisingly, that's not the reason this one isn't canon.

Digimon Tamers: Ending 2

In this episode, we close the world and open the next.

Tamers Episode 51: Such Sweet Sorrow

In this episode, all the bad stuff is sucked into a void while the beloved companions are forced into another world forever. Yeah, that old chestnut.

Tamers Episode 50: Jeri Fights Back

In this episode, sometimes the swirly vortex of doom can be your friend. And sometimes you have to defeat a giant Cable Reaper if you want to play with it.

Tamers Episode 49: D-Reaper's Feast

In this episode, with all the chaos and nudity going around, we finally get the two things we were missing- a suicide attempt and evil tentacles.

Tamers Episode 48: Shadow of the Beast King

In this episode, communication's enhanced, Grani has a new gun, agents are falling and Beelzemon's hellbent on rescuing Jeri. Just one teensy problem with that...

Tamers Episode 47: His Kingdom For A Horse

In this episode, Jeri's father seeks to atone for his rough parenting the only way he knows how... by stealing Mr. Matsuki's truck and crashing it into the bad guys.

Tamers Episode 46: When Is A Mon Justimon?

In this episode, guess who's coming in yet again to bail out the good guys, saving the day and acting all high and mighty. Wait... Kenta?

Tamers Episode 45: The D-Reaper's Disguise

In this episode, the good news is that the weird nihilistic Jeri is actually the first agent in disguise. The bad news is that only D-Reaper knows where the real nihilistic Jeri is.

Tamers Episode 44: The Messenger

In this episode, if the random Lovecraft references don't get you, the strange gothic lolita girl that might be dead will.

Tamers Episode 43: Beelzemon's Big Day

In this episode, the gang returns to familiarity- the school, the bakery, the park, the icy stares of hundreds of agents representing cold, cruel death. Okay, those are new.

Tamers Episode 42: Reunion

In this episode, the tamers return home just long enough to say goodbye to their mommies and return to the breach.

Tamers Episode 41: Homeward Bound

In this episode, Takato declares his love for a girl who responds by reading the nutritional information on a bento box.

Tamers Episode 40: Janyu's Ark

In this episode, a massive grid computing operation designed to save the children is about to be abused by a sock puppet.

Tamers Episode 39: Song of Sakuyamon

In this episode, I know I shouldn't watch this, but I can't take my eyes off it.

Tamers Episode 38: Azulongmon Explains It All

In this episode, Suzaku and Seiryuu spend the whole time arguing about whether or not killing children helps their cause. On the plus side- no Miaka.

Tamers Episode 37: No Mon Is an Island

In this episode, Terriermon's the one with the concussion, but Henry's the one all screwed up in the head.

Tamers Episode 36: The Battle Within

In this episode, the other tamers come to the shocking realization that Takato forms the head.

Tamers Episode 35: Give a Little Bit

In this episode, the only thing worse than a goddamn hideous beast that represents Takato's loss of humanity is Beelzemon finding a way to fight it.

Tamers Episode 34: Lionheart

In this episode, Leomon dies. This time it's for keeps.

Tamers Episode 33: Rabbit Transit

In this episode, now that we know the Digital World is its own living entity, it's now under investigation for enticing a young child.

Tamers Episode 32: Shibumi Speaks

In this episode, the God of the Wired makes a cameo appearance to totally Lain up the place. 

Tamers Episode 31: Kazu's Upgrade

In this episode, some milkshake brings all the eight-headed snake monsters to the yard.

Tamers Episode 30: The Imperfect Storm

In this episode, even with the kids in the Digital World, Hypnos finds a way to ruin their lives.

Tamers Episode 29: Goliath

In this episode, Ryo helps the group find shelter for the night, gets his Digimon to snap a dragon in half with its bare hands, then leaves the party to fend for themselves.

Tamers Episode 28: Blame it on Ryo

In this episode, Rika's sick and tired of being stuck with Kazu and Kenta, so in comes one more guy to annoy the hell out of her!

Tamers Episode 27: Motorcycle Madness

In this episode, the kids deal with a possessed bike in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile, in a completely unrelated and unimportant subplot, Impmon sells his soul to the devil.

Tamers Episode 26: Kazu and Kenta's Excellent Adventure

In this episode, Rika weathers a wind storm with a kooky married couple. Oh, and Jijimon and Babamon too.

Tamers Episode 25: Brave New Digital World

In this episode, the kids are dismayed to find that the world they leaped into is cold, brutal, desolate and disorienting. What the hell were they expecting, Narnia?

Tamers Episode 24: The Journey Begins

In this episode, the tamers settle their affairs before heading into the Digital World. That includes talking to parents and teachers, then figuring out how the hell to get in.

Digimon Tamers: Ending 1

In this episode, the first Tamers ending “My Tomorrow” and plans regarding the rumored Xros Wars dub. Yay for well-timed halftime breaks!

Tamers Episode 23: A World Apart

In this episode, massive explosions, Janyuu shows flashes of goddamn action hero and Takato screams a lot. There's even a monkey!

Tamers Episode 22: The Boar Wars

In this episode, a giant pig destroys Tokyo. The dragon is in the Chinese Zodiac too, but no... you get a pig.

Tamers Episode 21: Jeri's Quest

In this episode, an innocent girl gets caught up in a battle between a rat and an orange cat. The Chinese Zodiac is prominently involved.

Tamers Episode 20: Out of the Blue

In this episode, a "power of friendship" moment that gets surprisingly badass. Plus Yamaki has an innovative solution to this Digimon problem of his.

Tamers Episode 19: Impmon's Last Stand

In this episode, Impmon tries going up against a Deva and fails like the little bitch he knows he is.

Tamers Episode 18: Digital Beauty

Rika gets dragged into a camera test because mommy wants her to become a model. It doesn't end well.

Tamers Episode 17: Duel with the Deva

In this episode, not only did Henry's dad have a hand in the creation of Digimon, so did a mysterious man trying to influence events by giving random kids trading cards in Akihabara. 

Tamers Episode 16: Back To Nature, Back To Battle

In this episode, Takato and Henry's class trip to the woods is derailed by an electricity-eating chicken and that goddamn freaky owl.

Tamers Movie 1: The Adventurers' Battle

In this movie, a cute little desktop buddy turns out to be a malicious computer virus. Shocking, I know.

Tamers Episode 15: Snakes, Trains, and Digimon

In this episode, an invading snake Digimon catches the tamers off guard because they all somehow have better things to do.

Tamers Episode 14: Grow Mon Grow

In this episode, Yamaki's vortex does just fine sucking Digimon into oblivion... until something comes out of the oblivion. Something very powerful, and very pissed.

Tamers Episode 13: Juggernaut

In this episode, after getting berated by SEELE, Yamaki finally decides to do something significant, signaling the beginning of an actual plot.

Tamers Episode 12: Divided They Stand

In this episode, Renamon remains distant until Rika runs in and stabs an enemy with a stick. Also, Takato brings a girl over to show her his big red monster.

Tamers Episode 11: Much Ado About Musyamon

In this episode, remember when Henry let Terriermon fight and Takato looked like he knew what he was doing? Yeah, about that...

Tamers Episode 10: The Icemon Cometh

In this episode, Rika's insistence on acting badass makes her a target for a creepy freak who's into that sort of thing.

Tamers Episode 09: Not As Seen on TV

In this episode, now that Guilmon's evolved to this gigantic beast, Takato has to figure out what to do with him until he changes back.

Tamers Episode 08: A Question of Trust

In this episode, Guilmon is falsely accused of setting fire to lovers in the park. Yes, they actually show lovers in the park. And guns. Lots and lots of guns.

Tamers Episode 07: Now You See It, Now You Don't

In this episode, Rika's elusive, Henry's prophetic and Guilmon's almost deleted by a rampaging Lovecraft reference.

Tamers Episode 06: O Partner, Where Art Thou?

In this episode, it would just be a typical Champion evolution debut if not for Rika and Renamon being so damn cool.