
Digimon Frontier: Ending 1

In this episode, the first Frontier ending theme, more conventions and season two on DVD.

The mid-season break for Tamers came right on the heels of Geek.Kon. The mid-season break for Frontier comes right before No Brand Con in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. While I've had to work around conventions in the past, this is damn good timing as cons really throw a wrench into my writing schedule. Halftime breaks are wonderful things; Data Squad changes its ending and its opening so I get two!

Anyway, I am running the Digimon panel at No Brand Con on Sunday, so if you're in the area make sure to stop by. It's more likely you'll be in range to attend Anime Central in Chicago in May. I'm not running the Digimon panel there but I will be present if I get my badge in time. If not, stop by the Geek.Kon table in the exhibit hall and say hi. I'll be wearing the Crest of Knowledge.

On the merchandising front, season two is now out on DVD! Click here to order it on Amazon. Actually, clicking there and ordering anything on Amazon means this site gets a small cut, which helps pay expenses and lets me know y'all care. Did I just say y'all? Man, Ranamon really did need to go.

Wait, what happened to Ai Maeda? Kouji Wada claimed a monopoly on the first half songs, also doing evolution song With the Will. The two songs are polar opposites: With the Will has the most amazing opening sting, then kinda peters out, while the opening line here is kinda blah, but the song ends up holding its own. They're ridin' on a Dolphmon, doin' flips and...

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