
Adventure: (2020) Episode 67: The End of the Adventure

In this episode, among all of Negamon’s terrifying forms, it decides a shadow rivaling Omegamon is the scariest.

The common template for Digimon finales of half climactic action and half emotional epilogue offers some intriguing possibilities for this series. The climactic action part goes without saying: whatever stops are left will be pulled out and it’s going to be the kind of wild action sequence the show’s excelled at. But it’s hard to go without some sort of resolution as the kids say farewell to the Digital World. How do you say goodbye to a cast we never really met in the first place? It could be the same hollow statements we’re used to, or they could cram a bunch of real world details we should have discovered ages ago. Instead it’s split halfway, with sights a little more telling than we’re used to, but without pretending this show was anything different than what it was.

After tussling with multiple forms of Negamon, all abominations of tentacles and eyes, Omegamon dives into its main core for the final showdown. And Negamon, master of horrors… solidifies into a form the same size as Omegamon, only shadowy. It’s possibly the least intimidating thing it could muster. It’s also a weird show of deference, like Negamon would rather fight as equals rather than as something larger and awe-inspiring. It makes for a hell of a final one-on-one clash that delivers the kind of fight we hoped for, but the psychology is poorly considered and the form in many ways betrays Negamon’s concept.

Once Omegamon and Negamon run through the string of “evenly matched overpowered robot duel” tropes, eventually ending up in space because why not, the usual spur of energy from the angels and the usual refusal to quit from Taichi and Yamato leads to Omegamon Alter-S… the usual mode change everybody expected. It makes quick work of Negamon, but makes an observation that other Digimon seasons have only danced around: in worlds where Digimon are reborn: doesn’t that apply to the villains?

It varies by world, but you probably should wonder about the fate of the Dark Masters, Lucemon, Bagramon, and the like. This time it’s attacked head on. Omegamon recognizes that the power of rebirth Negamon grew such a disdain for allows it another chance to recreate itself, perhaps this time without the corruption that led it down this path. If there has been a recurring theme this series, it could be the exploration of renewal and history repeating itself.

The falling action starts out on an auspicious note, with the kids left in a weird binary space where everyone can chill with their partners for a second. They’re sweet, quiet moments, but nothing remarkable. And suddenly it’s over, leaving you wondering if that was it for the kids in the Digital World, perhaps even with their Digimon. Meanwhile, the following scene of Wisemon passing on the story to the baby Digimon is a wonderful additional to the formula. Like the holy war before it, it shows how this adventure is destined to become part of the world’s lore, to inform and guide the heroes of the next crisis that will inevitably come along.

As for the heroes of this one… they just go back to their lives. Not knowing much about them lives hampers a few of the shots, particularly Sora and Joe’s. But for everyone else they take what little we were given and roll with it. Takeru and Yamato get a rare real world visit. Mimi puts her entrepreneurial spirit into action. Koshiro’s on her payroll, devising a way to open his own gate to the Digital World. And Taichi gets a moment in the shade, a chance to enjoy some peace and quiet, maybe even out of the limelight for a change. That he’s still in the Digital World is only brushed on, appropriate as he’s not the first Digimon protagonist to make that call, that he didn’t have any specific grievance that made him want to avoid the real world (at least that we knew of), and he wasn’t that convincing as a human child anyway. It’s a good spot for him.

It’s almost a footnote that the Digimon stayed with them, remarkable since that only happened once in the first six seasons. But instead of wondering about the implications of Digimon in the real world, they leave the kids alone with their sassy pets. Other kids saw it all; they’re fine with it. They keep it simple, while still offering up a clean resolution to everything, combined with a final battle that lives up to the hype. With all the disappointments of the series baked in, the least it could do was manage an ending within its means. To that, at least, we can be happy it was successful.

My Grade: A-

Loose Data:

  • Hope you weren’t playing a drinking game taking a shot for every Our War Game homage. The episode leads off with Omegamon flying through a network-like tunnel and it never really lets up at any point in the battle.
  • They make a big show of the other six occupying Negamon’s outer body to weaken the core, but there isn’t much correlation shown to suggest that affecting much. But it’s nice that the other six got to feel useful in the final battle. And while it’s certainly appropriate that Seraphimon and Ophanimon are leading the way, it is unusual to think about Takeru and Hikari heading up the troops.
  • Considering it’s the first time we’ve had a good Digimon introduced stronger than the one that showed up in episode two, Alter-S didn’t get a whole ton of screentime. He showed up, more or less one-shotted Negamon, then was back to regular Omegamon before the end of his monologue. As far as midnight hour emergency power-ups (Crimson Mode, X7 Superior, that sort of thing), this is one of the weakest.
  • Omegamon talking about “endless potential” sure hits differently after Kizuna, doesn’t it? He’s talking more about Digimon in general while Kizuna was about the limitations of the Chosen-Digimon partnership, but still…
  • Given the season’s dedication to showing the Digital World outside of battle, the montage of locations carrying on with life is great, and lined with little sights like BanchoMamemon graduating finishing school, the Mimi statue at the gem mine, and Petaldramon, Andromon, and Guardromon all still petrified under flowers.
  • One cute little touch/nod to the original series… Yamato and Takeru are meeting in Shibuya.
  • The digital gate Koshiro is trying to create resembles the weird pop-up he received in episode one that we all thought was going to be interesting and relevant and we never saw again.
  • And finally, congrats to Leomon for surviving a series! His reward is spending the rest of eternity helping Wisemon babysit.

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  1. Ah it's finally over. For what it's worth. It has fantastic animation. And it tells a njce, (below) but simple story where you don't have to guess at everything consistently. I was never a big fan but I'm glad this show essentially United the fandom for a brief moment. I have one answer for the beginning. "How do you say goodbye". Well I'd say.. "Good day byebye".

    Phew..Oh oh Of Course. This is the series where the human world and digital world live side to side.

  2. Show is very generic/too plastic but the ending stuck the landing at least (and broke the Leomon curse; now I wanna move the goalposts and need Leomon to unironically live, but in a decent and/or good show).

  3. Worst reboot I've seen since Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal quite frankly. And this doesn't have the flimsy excuse of (clumsily) following an already subpar Manga.
    I care little about how nice they made a handful of episodes look, that doesn't salvage the rest of the show from being a consistent half-baked mess.
    Wasted potential, flat characters, boring antagonists, and a meandering plot riddled with lazy writing. That ultimately leaned heavily on familiarity and nostalgia for support.
    Hopefully it will be a very long time before they decide to milk Adventure again, as it's succeeded in making me completely sick of Taichi...

    Oh well, roll on Ghost Game I guess.

  4. Unless Ghost Game is very good indeed, I'mma be noping out for a few years.

    1. I recommend you watch Ghost Game. The first two episodes make the show look promising.

  5. The music in this season was great.
