Data Squad Episode 18: The Clash With Merukimon!

In this episode, Homer knows everybody, Keenan hates everybody and Gotsumon wants to kill everybody. Somehow Merukimon just became the sane one.

Data Squad Episode 17: Yoshi's Biggest Battle: The One with Herself

In this episode, for somebody who gets severe anxiety issues under pressure, saving the world from monsters might not be the best line of work.

Data Squad Episode 16: Falcomon: Friend or Foe?!

In this episode, Marcus and Falcomon learn that even though they're on different sides, neither are assholes enough to let their respective ally die of a nasty virus.

Data Squad Episode 15: The Gorge of Deception!

In this episode, the dub of Digimon Frontier is somehow responsible for making it harder to give due reverence to an intense personal tragedy.

Data Squad Episode 14: The Wild Boy of the Digital World

In this episode, the team enters the Digital World, only to discover that they need to use an Ultimate to stop their biggest foe yet- falling rocks.