
Digimon Adventure: (2020): Ending

In this episode, we wrap up a reboot with so much style and so little substance, then talk about the future because, unlike the Adventure: children, we are mortal beings.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 67: The End of the Adventure

In this episode, among all of Negamon’s terrifying forms, it decides a shadow rivaling Omegamon is the scariest.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 66: The Last Miracle, The Last Power

In this episode, Negamon poofs Koshiro, Sora, Joe, and Mimi out of existence. Given how much they contributed, it’s hard to notice they were gone.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 65: The Great Catastrophe, Negamon

In this episode, it turns out the internet is responsible for corrupting Negamon to the point of pursuing total destruction. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 64: The Angels' Determination

In this episode, the real treasure was the friends we made along the way. No, really, Wisemon actually said that. That’s what they’re going with.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 63: The Crest of Courage

In this episode, Taichi undergoes a test to prove he’s worthy of the power he’s already busted out twice before.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 62: The Tears of Shakkoumon

In this episode, Sora and Taichi have the misfortune of accidentally waking up the Digimon with the world’s worst hangover.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 61: A Place To Return To

In this episode, Takeru earns his merit badge by helping ElDoradimon cross a hill.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 60: Vikemon Ventures the Glaciers

In this episode, Joe and Mimi try to fight a ship war with no cannon.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 59: Bolt, HerakleKabuterimon

In this episode, in the deepest, most subtle metaphor imaginable to highlight and empower Koshiro, his crest test turns out to be a literal Test of Knowledge.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 58: Hikari, New Life

In this episode, Hikari and Tailmon make it perfectly clear that this is their fight and no one, including Taichi, is going to hijack it.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 57: Contact From the Catastrophe

In this episode, Algomon forces Agumon to identify the true Taichi based on his unique personality traits. Yeah, even Agumon isn’t going to figure that out.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 56: The Gold Wolf of the Crescent Moon

In this episode, Gabumon takes it upon himself to risk his neck to end an ancient curse, knowing there’s a cool alternate evolution at the other end of it.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 55: The Digimon School Under Attack

In this episode, Mimi learns that the true meaning of sincerity is shutting up and quietly tolerating a toxic situation she doesn’t enjoy.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 54: The Vagrant War Demon, Rebellimon

In this episode, we dust off our memories from when we had hope for the series and add an epilogue to Ogremon’s story. Turns out he got a happy ending: he’s only dead on the inside!

Adventure: (2020) Episode 53: The Geko Hot Springs' Revolt

In this episode, Joe returns to the incredibly hostile hot spring he spent a couple weeks in earlier, only to discover that it remains incredibly hostile.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 52: Dance of the Heavens, Hououmon

In this episode, a new Piyomon evolution comes with the requisite disagreements between her and Sora. But hey, at least members on the team are disagreeing about something!

Adventure: (2020) Episode 51: The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests

In this episode, a research consortium pulls the team aside and forces them to wonder about the crests they’ve been ignoring since the very beginning.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 50: The End, The Ultimate Holy Battle

In this episode, turns out defeating the world-destroying monstrosity whose return you’ve been trying to prevent for half the series isn’t nearly as difficult as you’d expect.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 49: The God of Evil Descends, Millenniumon

In this episode, Taichi’s absence leads to open grieving, shattered confidence, stoic determination, and more raw, genuine emotion from the other kids. Clearly he wasn’t going to put up with that for very long.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 48: The Attack of Mugendramon

In this episode, the gang wasted so much time on side quests both their allies and the enemy got on with the main story without them. Time to play catch up!

Adventure: (2020) Episode 47: The Villains of the Wastelands

In this episode, Taichi and two enemy camps fight to determine who’s the most incompetent leader.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 46: The Sword of Hope

In this episode, Devimon does his old pal Angemon a solid and supplies him with even more backstory angst, reasons to doubt himself, and the age old question: “Are you tired of being nice?”

Adventure: (2020) Episode 45: Activate, MetalGarurumon

In this episode, for some reason Gabumon decides he wants to run around a track. For some reason this leads to MetalGarurumon. These reasons will not be given.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 44: Hikari and the Moving Forest

In this episode, the group puts its quest on hold to help out a random Digimon just for the hell of it. If you’re thinking that’s the same thing as always, you’re wrong! This one features Hikari!

Adventure: (2020) Episode 43: Clash, The King of Digimon

In this episode, Tailmon’s unreliable memories of the area lead everyone so far off the path they end up in a Scott Pilgrim scene.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 42: King of Inventors, Garbemon

In this episode, if you thought Koshiro was a badass with a computer, wait until you see him with a rubber tube and tempura absorbent.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 41: Mon-Mon Park in the Fog

In this episode, bittersweet memories lead to Yamato and Takeru not running away at the first sign of the world’s shadiest theme park with the world’s shadiest guide.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 40: Strike! The Killer Shot

In this episode, the one bright side to denying Sora any character development is she can continue to be cool soccer girl in perpetuity.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 39: Jyagamon, Potato Hell

In this episode, an adorable piece of fluff with wonderful cameos! Burgamon! Kamemon! Lunamon! Pusurimon! We’re going to keep our attention on these because the actual story is phenomenally stupid.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 38: The Blazing Blue Friendship

In this episode, Gabumon’s about to be crucified and sacrificed to the devil, giving Yamato the perfect excuse to be a dramatic bitch for half an hour.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 37: Mimi-chan Wars

In this episode, the show’s insistence on only following Taichi finally works in our favor as he runs into Mimi having a far more entertaining situation that the one we’ve been watching.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 36: Operation Satellite Sniper

In this episode, Koshiro waits until the very last minute to deal with his pet crisis in order to make sure BlitzGreymon gets a random cameo.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 35: The Glowing Angewomon

In this episode, Tailmon’s scars resurface as she tries to reconcile her past existence as a cruel servant of Millenniumon. They begin to seize control over …aaand they’re gone.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 34: Hikari and Tailmon

In this episode, Tailmon is free and gung-ho about completing her ancient crusade of stopping Millenniumon. Hikari just wants to cuddle her new kitty. 

Adventure: (2020) Episode 33: The Hikari of Dawn

In this episode, by the time Taichi’s done goofing around, DarkKnightmon and Hikari are all set to get down to business. All that’s left for him is the dramatic rescue. No need for emotion or anything!

Adventure: (2020) Episode 32: Soaring Hope

In this episode, the team struggles against the Digimon Takuya beat singlehandedly in episode one of Frontier, so they call in the Digimon Takeru got saddled with in episode three of Zero Two.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 31: A New Darkness, Millenniumon

In this episode, Lopmon finally speaks, giving us a plot dump of information, most of which we already had. All is forgiven when they revive a bunch of fluffy bois.