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About A. R. Pulver
A. R. Pulver is a geek living in
Wisconsin and has been watching anime for more than fifteen years. He
first gained notoriety in the Digimon community through his
fanfiction, most recently Neverworld and Resumption. Beyond Digimon: System Restore, he also offers several articles and commentary on Tumblr and Twitter. He is the new co-host of the With the Will podcast, a bi-weekly podcast talking about the latest Digimon news and other discussion topics. He has also presented Digimon and fanfiction panels at conventions in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa. Check out his SoundCloud page for his Kitsune Kon 2017 panel with six Digimon voice actors discussing a range of topics!
About Digimon: System Restore
My Patreon
My Ko-fi Page
Show your support with a $3 donation at Your donation helps cover site costs and shows your appreciation for the site, my Tumblr page, my fanfiction, and other content created for Digimon. If you are supporting a specific bit of content, let me know! It may come into play when determining future priorities.
Amazon Affiliate Links
Follow this affiliate link and order anything from and I'll get a cut! You're ordering there anyway, so why not help me out?
About A. R. Pulver

Beyond Digimon: System Restore, he is a staffer at Kitsune Kon in Green Bay and a PA announcer for his high school basketball and football teams. And one time he took Jeff Nimoy to Culver's.
About Digimon: System Restore
Digimon: System Restore is an
unflinching look back at every season of the Digimon anime. Most
people have a nostalgic view of the series, remembering the epic
moments and glossing over the shaky bits. This project sheds that by
dedicating a full post to every single episode from the original
Adventure series through Fusion.
The aim is threefold. One is to
critique the show as an anime. Many of us have gone on and enjoyed
other anime, never looking back and viewing gateway series through
the same set of eyes. Digimon broke the mold of typical children's
programming with an intense plot, deep characters and underlying
themes that go far beyond the power of friendship and hope. Simply
put, it's an anime. But is it good anime?
Secondly, Digimon fans have a
front-loaded mentality, showing reverence to the earlier seasons
without paying much heed to more recent series. In reviewing every
episode from beginning to end, we can identify the progress of
traditions, themes and common angles. We will look at how both the
early and late seasons all fit together, comparing and contrasting
elements from the start.
Finally, we want to have fun with this.
While we are trying to unlock some hidden truths to this show,
there's no secret that the primary goal of Digimon is to entertain.
Expect this site to poke fun at the series and its characters, employ
sarcasm wherever appropriate and dress down what must be dressed
down. While I certainly will have strong opinions on characters and
seasons, they will be backed by arguments based on how I see things
now. Comment boxes are below every post, so feel free to practice
civil discourse.
The vast majority of posts are episode discussions, with three
Openings correspond and include
new opening themes as they premiere in Japan, allowing you to
experience some amazing songs if you haven't heard them yet. Most of
the time, this will also link up to a new season, allowing a chance
for preliminary thoughts as we head back into the breach.
Endings follow the opposite schedule,
posted once the series is about to switch to a new ending theme.
They're included for completion's sake, although they're far more hit
and miss. Post-series endings will be our way of signing off on a
season with final thoughts. Mid-series endings are a chance for some
general thoughts, site announcements and halftime entertainment. It's
also a short break.
Movies will be posted when they would
have premiered in Japan, with the exception of Digimon: The Movie,
posted in one big three-part series where the third movie would have
Every episode and movie will include a
letter grade. An A means it is outstanding and would be among the
model episodes I would show to anyone wanting to see how Digimon
stands up as anime. B episodes are either fundamentally sound but
lack that extra kick, or strong entries that screw something up along
the way. Mediocre or unremarkable episodes get C grades, while Ds are
reserved for the dumb, offensive, or downright bad episodes. Fs
require a special combination of incomprehensible, lazy and
After the body of each episode will
also be a Loose Data section for stray observations that didn't fit
in the main article. The quantity of these will vary depending on the
episode, but I'll always try to have at least two or three.
Unless otherwise stated, Digimon:
System Restore uses the dub canon as much as feasible. We recognize
that there are often major differences between the dub and the
original Japanese version, but as it is what most people are familiar
with, the dub makes the most worthwhile review material. Thus,
differences that don't break everything will be treated as if the dub
is truth. Clear dub flubs and inconsistencies will either be broken
down, mocked or ignored. I will both praise and bury the dub as the
situation dictates, but being different is not be a crime in and of
itself. That said, I may comment on significant differences,
particularly in seasons where a subtitled release is at our disposal.