In this episode, Takeru earns his merit badge by helping ElDoradimon cross a hill.
Revisiting Digimon season by season, episode by
episode, from Adventure to Appmon and back!
Showing posts with label TK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TK. Show all posts
Adventure: (2020) Episode 46: The Sword of Hope
In this episode, Devimon does his old pal Angemon a solid and supplies him with even more backstory angst, reasons to doubt himself, and the age old question: “Are you tired of being nice?”
Adventure: (2020) Episode 41: Mon-Mon Park in the Fog
In this episode, bittersweet memories lead to Yamato and Takeru not running away at the first sign of the world’s shadiest theme park with the world’s shadiest guide.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 32: Soaring Hope
In this episode, the team struggles against the Digimon Takuya beat singlehandedly in episode one of Frontier, so they call in the Digimon Takeru got saddled with in episode three of Zero Two.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 27: To The New Continent
In this episode, Patamon trolls everyone by only evolving after the rest of the team ekes out a narrow win.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 22: The Unbeatable Blue Sagittarius
In this episode, the voices in Takeru’s head compel him to dive into another giant pit. Somehow Yamato enabling this behavior turns out to be the right decision.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 21: The Tide-Turning Update
In this episode, with Takeru free and hopping through suspicious craters on his own, it’s up to Taichi to pull the win out of his own ass this time.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 20: The Seventh One Awakens
In this episode, the big operation to rescue Takeru goes off… very smoothly actually, considering everything. Sure Angemon ends up dead, but that was so inevitable there’s no point asking why.
tri. Movie #3: Confession [Dub]
In this movie, with everybody too hesitant to
speak and everybody else too hesitant to ask questions, no wonder all
the pressure’s on Izzy to sort out the answers.
tri. Episode 10: Confession, Part Two
In this episode, as the situation
grows more dire, you can count on the digidestined to let emotion get
the better of them and allow everything to get so much worse.
Zero Two Episode 49: The Last Temptation of the Digidestined
In this episode, everybody's trapped
in their own happy world where their families are either reunited or
removed and where they can watch themselves get crucified in peace.
Zero Two Episode 35: Cody Takes A Stand
In this episode, Cody meticulously
investigates TK's anger issues but blindly throws himself at
BlackWargreymon's mercy based on vague, second-hand information.
that's suicide,
zero two
Zero Two Episode 25: Spirit Needle
In this episode, Davis and Yolei
debate whether it's justified to kill a threatening Digimon. TK says
very little... and that makes him a colossal dick.
group dynamic,
zero two
Zero Two Episode 19: An Old Enemy Returns
In this episode, blah blah evil
whirlpool, blah blah Devimon, blah blah Kimeramon... GOOD GOD TK GOES
BADASS!! Takes a whip to the face and then just... bam!
Zero Two Episode 13: His Master's Voice
In this episode, Deep Ones summon Kari to the Dark Ocean to make her their queen in order to fight Cthulhu. Instead, she and TK put the “love” in Lovecraft.
zero two
Zero Two Episode 01: Enter Flamedramon
In this episode, a new digidestined accepts the goggles and becomes the leader. Tai, TK and Kari are all thinking “wait... this guy??”
Adventure Episode 52: Piedmon's Last Jest
In this episode, the gang's back together, but Piedmon systematically takes out one kid at a time until only TK and Kari are left. Yeah, he's screwed.
that's suicide,
Adventure Episode 48: My Sister's Keeper
In this episode, IP tracing is insanely effective in the Digital World, but so is blowing everything up. Also, the heartbreaking flashback to rule them all!
Adventure Episode 43: Playing Games
In this episode, the stress is finally reaching a boiling point, becoming almost as big a problem as Puppetmon. Puppetmon seeks to correct this by setting up a little playdate.
group dynamic,
Adventure Episode 36: City Under Siege

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