Showing posts with label Angie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angie. Show all posts

Xros Wars Episode 78: The Great Gathering of Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-Stars Showdown!!

In this episode, the moment everyone's been waiting for all season! That's right, Zenjirou and Akari finally get their Xros Loaders! Bunch of other kids show up too.

Xros Wars Episode 63: Taiki is Targeted! The Shout of the Super Celebrity Star!

In this episode, Taiki is pursued by his biggest fans- Akari, Tagiru, and a dangerous Digimon who draws life force out of celebrities... even the dead ones.

Fusion Episode 54: Final Fusion – The Fight for Earth!

In this episode, the entire world rallies around Shoutmon in a fusion involving everybody! Steven Universe fans are going to freak when they see this.

Fusion Episode 30: When Worlds Collide

In this episode, the key to finally defeating Tactimon proves to be the same power that most characters figure out right at the beginning.

Fusion Episode 23: Laughing All The Way To The Code Crown

In this episode, the actual act that makes Karatenmon laugh and won the code crown is the least funny part.

Fusion Episode 19: Rumble in the Jungle Zone!

In this episode, just about everybody's pretty sick of Nene being the main character and will go to extreme lengths to steal the spotlight. 

Fusion Episode 18: Welcome to the Jungle Zone!

In this episode, while AxeKnightmon and Nene continue to carry out their scheming, Lilamon is busy shipping Jeremy and Angie. Nice to see the show acknowledging its fanfic community!

Fusion Episode 11: Ice To See You, Angie!

In this episode, it's going to be an uphill battle when the only thing you can think of to validate a teammates's presence is her ability to make sandwiches.

Fusion Episode 02: He is Shoutmon, Hear Him Roar!

In this episode, Shoutmon has to fend off not only a resurgent MadLeomon army, but also the two barnacles his savior dragged along with him.

Fusion Episode 01: Mikey Goes To Another World!

In this episode, Mikey goes to another world. So do Angie and Jeremy, which is a horrible, horrible mistake.