In this episode, in the deepest, most subtle metaphor imaginable to highlight and empower Koshiro, his crest test turns out to be a literal Test of Knowledge.
Revisiting Digimon season by season, episode by
episode, from Adventure to Appmon and back!
Showing posts with label Izzy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Izzy. Show all posts
Adventure: (2020) Episode 42: King of Inventors, Garbemon
In this episode, if you thought Koshiro was a badass with a computer, wait until you see him with a rubber tube and tempura absorbent.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 36: Operation Satellite Sniper
In this episode, Koshiro waits until the very last minute to deal with his pet crisis in order to make sure BlitzGreymon gets a random cameo.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 26: Break Through the Sea Monster Barricade
In this episode, Koshiro, Hikari, and Taichi do their typical things: hacking a solution to the crisis, magically whisking away to another world, and nearly getting his ass killed again for stupid reasons.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 14: The Kings of the Insects Clash!
In this episode, it’s amazing how quickly getting outmaneuvered and surrounded brings out the real personalities where nobody can think straight, everyone’s whining, and faulty technology leaves you paralyzed.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 05: The Holy Digimon
In this episode, we’re horrified to discover that the cool story that’s been more or less carrying the show really does have essentially the same plot as Digimon Frontier.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 01: TOKYO DIGITAL CRISIS
In this episode, knowing we’d be overcome with the urge to compare and contrast every little thing this reboot does to the original series opener, at least it has the foresight to be objectively better in every single way.
tri. Episode 25: Future, Part Four
In this episode, you’ve seen Hikari’s
special ability save the day! You’ve seen Koushiro’s special
ability save the day! Now watch what happens when you put them
tri. Episode 23: Future, Part Two
In this episode, the subplots with Maki and the
02 kids are reopened en route to the emotionally satisfying
conclusions they deserve. Or at least they’re brought up by other
characters. Which is an improvement.
tri. Movie #3: Confession [Dub]
In this movie, with everybody too hesitant to
speak and everybody else too hesitant to ask questions, no wonder all
the pressure’s on Izzy to sort out the answers.
tri. Episode 09: Confession, Part One
In this episode, an important
character introduction, light foreshadowing and a surprising amount
of talk about the 02 kids get overlooked because Joe apparently got
tri. Episode 03: Reunion, Part Three
In this episode, the gang tries
picking up the pieces and making sense of what's happening. They do
this by picking fights, crushing on each other, and light software
Digimon: The Movie Part 2: Our War Game
In this movie, a malicious bug wrecks the internet and Izzy's in a race against time to stop it. It's basically Summer Wars without that obscure card game.
other anime
Adventure Episode 49: The Crest of Light

silly dub
Adventure Episode 38: Prophecy
In this episode, the ultimate weapons against VenomMyotismon are forged by combining the virtues of hope, light and shounen ai.
Adventure Episode 36: City Under Siege

Adventure Episode 31: The Eighth Digivice
In this episode, Tai's cat manages to get a nightclub destroyed and throws off everybody's scent at the same time. More importantly- Izzy's mom has got it going on!
Adventure Episode 24: No Questions, Please
In this episode, Izzy turns in his curiosity and loses the ability to question anything. We're still free to ask the one big question- what the hell was that all about?
Adventure Episode 19: The Prisoner of the Pyramid
In this episode, some thrilling plot twists and philosophical questions about digital avatars battle strange dubbing errors and suspect animation. It's a good fight.
Adventure Episode 10: A Clue From The Digi-Past
In this episode, Mimi somehow goes the whole length without slapping anybody. Plenty of deserving candidates, but not one of them gets a glove across the face.
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