In this episode, Taichi’s absence leads to open grieving, shattered confidence, stoic determination, and more raw, genuine emotion from the other kids. Clearly he wasn’t going to put up with that for very long.
Revisiting Digimon season by season, episode by
episode, from Adventure to Appmon and back!
Showing posts with label Matt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt. Show all posts
Adventure: (2020) Episode 45: Activate, MetalGarurumon
In this episode, for some reason Gabumon decides he wants to run around a track. For some reason this leads to MetalGarurumon. These reasons will not be given.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 41: Mon-Mon Park in the Fog
In this episode, bittersweet memories lead to Yamato and Takeru not running away at the first sign of the world’s shadiest theme park with the world’s shadiest guide.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 38: The Blazing Blue Friendship
In this episode, Gabumon’s about to be crucified and sacrificed to the devil, giving Yamato the perfect excuse to be a dramatic bitch for half an hour.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 22: The Unbeatable Blue Sagittarius
In this episode, the voices in Takeru’s head compel him to dive into another giant pit. Somehow Yamato enabling this behavior turns out to be the right decision.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 13: Garudamon of the Crimson Wings
In this episode, yes, even a giant laser-mounted airship Digimon isn’t going to deter Sora from rescuing innocent captives. Even Yamato’s not questioning this anymore.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 11: The Wolf Standing Atop The Desert
In this episode, Sora and Joe unlock Yamato’s tragic backstory. It’s… not that tragic. Or really a backstory. Or a good excuse for him to be a manipulative jerk to everybody.
Adventure: (2020) Episode 08: The Children's Attack on the Fortress
In this episode, all it takes is one ass thinking he’s better than everyone else to turn the whole team into a terrifyingly coordinated, efficient and effective invading army. Who knew?
group dynamic,
Adventure: (2020) Episode 02: War Game
In this episode, Taichi and Yamato are thrown so far off the deep end that all the teamwork in the world can’t stop them from relying on their magical little siblings to save their asses.
tri. Movie #6: Future [Dub]
In this movie, a dub that’s so on point it
not only serves up more explicit explanations for some of the
original’s less obvious plot elements and themes, it offered
explanations for its own prior flubs!
tri. Episode 22: Future, Part One
In this episode, the barrier between worlds
weakens and Taichi poofed away before everyone’s eyes. Best thing
you can say about the team’s mentality is they haven’t split up
yet to get stuck in a restaurant, castle, or dimensional void. That’s
an improvement!
tri. Episode 04: Reunion, Part Four
In this episode, as the current
situation gets more and more dangerous, the cast of Digimon takes out its frustrations by obliterating Palette Town.
Adventure Episode 51: The Crest of Friendship
In this episode, angst! Tons and tons of angst! We got your Matt angst! We got your Sora angst! We got every kind of angst! On sale today!
Adventure Episode 44: Trash Day

Adventure Episode 43: Playing Games
In this episode, the stress is finally reaching a boiling point, becoming almost as big a problem as Puppetmon. Puppetmon seeks to correct this by setting up a little playdate.
group dynamic,
Adventure Episode 36: City Under Siege

Adventure Episode 23: WereGarurumon's Diner

Adventure Episode 18: The Piximon Cometh
In this episode, an ancient master offers to train the digidestined. Every training scene cliché is pulled out except the 80's movie montage. That's why they didn't learn anything.
other anime,
Adventure Episode 09: Subzero Ice Punch!

Adventure Episode 03: Garurumon
In this episode, Matt decides he's been flying under the radar and gets all angry and emo. Since it's Matt, he still looks cool in the process.
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