Showing posts with label Mimi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mimi. Show all posts

Adventure: (2020) Episode 55: The Digimon School Under Attack

In this episode, Mimi learns that the true meaning of sincerity is shutting up and quietly tolerating a toxic situation she doesn’t enjoy.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 49: The God of Evil Descends, Millenniumon

In this episode, Taichi’s absence leads to open grieving, shattered confidence, stoic determination, and more raw, genuine emotion from the other kids. Clearly he wasn’t going to put up with that for very long.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 37: Mimi-chan Wars

In this episode, the show’s insistence on only following Taichi finally works in our favor as he runs into Mimi having a far more entertaining situation that the one we’ve been watching.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 16: The Jet-Black Shadow Invades Tokyo

In this episode, Taichi, Koshiro, and Mimi arrive back in the real world eager to return home, take a shower, and eat fancy cheeseburgers. Then they realize this is the Bad Place.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 12: Lilimon Blooms

In this episode, Mimi’s skill at gaining allies with unconditional compassion keeps her alive long enough for her skill at destroying enemies with righteous fury to kick in.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 06: The Targeted Kingdom

In this episode, Mimi is comfortable helping the locals as queen of her own domain, but Taichi and company have to talk her down off her throne. We assure you there is no singing!

tri. Movie #2: Determination [Dub]

In this movie, it turns out watching something in your own language actually makes it easier to understand. This might be a shocking first for Digimon!

tri. Episode 06: Determination, Part Two

In this episode, Mimi is stunned to learn that acting impulsively to satisfy her own needs may sometimes backfire. Joe wishes he could try it some time.

Zero Two Episode 14: The Samurai of Sincerity

In this episode, Mimi introduces some stuck-up American to the gang. In other words, yet another boy for Yolei to fawn over. That makes four now.

Adventure Episode 46: Etemon's Comeback Tour

In this episode, a second team requires a second villain, so Etemon is dragged out of retirement with a new coat of paint. Ogremon's return isn't nearly as gaudy.

Adventure Episode 45: The Ultimate Clash

In this episode, come for the epic Matt/Tai showdown, stay for the massive info dump that spawns as many questions as it answers.

Adventure Episode 40: Enter The Dark Masters

In this episode, the Digimon evolve... and evolve again... and again... and one more time for good measure. It doesn't help.

Adventure Episode 35: Flower Power

In this episode, Myotismon closes in and the whole town goes nuts. Four of the digidestined's parents become goddamn action heroes. Joe would be proud if he wasn't stranded outside all this.

Adventure Episode 25: Princess Karaoke

In this episode, Mimi is totally a diva, Tai and Joe are totally tone-deaf, Palmon is totally stupid and Sora is either a ghost or totally breaking and entering. Also- the first Japanese ending!

Adventure Episode 17: The Crest of Sincerity

In this episode, Sora and Mimi run around wearing towels as they battle a giant cock monster who had hardened his male opponents. Yes, this is still a kids show.

Adventure Episode 10: A Clue From The Digi-Past

In this episode, Mimi somehow goes the whole length without slapping anybody. Plenty of deserving candidates, but not one of them gets a glove across the face.

Adventure Episode 06: Togemon In Toy Town

In this episode, a cactus with boxing gloves and a giant yellow teddy bear beat the snot out of each other. And that's the normal part.