In this episode, the actual act that
makes Karatenmon laugh and won the code crown is the least funny
When you take stock of everything going
on here, there appears to be no chance for success. There's a bunch
of Monitamon with no concept of what's funny. There's a relaxed boss
who would just assume catch up on his TV than pressure the locals
into surrendering the code crown. The team is surrounded by Etemon.
Claiming the code crown involves a bunch of not-really-funny skits,
which undoubtedly involve bad Japanese puns that are a labor to dub
into English. This one has disaster all over it!
Give the dub credit: they made it
through this one intact. It wasn't a great episode to begin with, but
there were so many ways the dub could have made it much worse.
Instead, it was up for the challenge and handled the tricky parts
well enough, while retaining/adding enough humor to make a ridiculous
episode like this work. In fact, parts of the first half were
executed so well that it made the critical skit that actually made
Karatenmon laugh disappointing by comparison.
That's the trouble with dubbing manzai
skits. It's a straight man-idiot format that's so rigid and
choreographed that I've yet to see a dub actually make it funny to an
English-speaking audience. The result leaves us wondering why Nene's
bad puns and awkward reactions got Karatenmon snickering. Maybe it
was the forced slapstick.

What lifts this out of Digimon's heap
of silly, meaningless episodes is that it delivers two important
character notes for the price of one. Part of it is Nene being
permitted to have a sense of humor. She arrives fatigued and
distraught over her brother, something that prompted their visit here
but is quickly forgotten. Her downbeat attitude is soon the only
problem, but it is a problem: she's not going to be very effective in
that state, and it's not going to be any fun. One of the few
legitimate criticisms of the stretch run of Tamers was its lack of
any sunshine. Getting her into at least a moderately sociable mood is
a big step forward.

My Grade: B
Loose Data:
- Nene's Monitamon seem to be the only ones without sporty colors. It's sort of like the opposite of Pokémon episodes where one of Ash's team meets more of its type and suddenly gains a tertiary identifier like sunglasses or a hat.
- Something about seeing living computer monitors swimming underwater looks like a major hazard.
- Jeremy fantasizes about rescuing the zone's princess, suggesting that his thing for Nene is little more than some moe fantasy about helping ladies in trouble. And did anyone notice Jeremy feeling up Nene's chest during the cliff debacle?
- While Jeremy prods Mikey to come up with a brilliant plan to scale the cliff, he repeatedly flicks Mikey's goggles, usually Mikey's tell that he has come up with a brilliant plan.
- Etemon is ridiculous and annoyingly musical enough here that it's a shame they didn't get the original voice from Adventure. The weird part is that they did get the original voice actor. Yep, Fusion Etemon is also voiced by Richard Epcar, but they went a different direction... which kinda sounds like Myotismon (also Epcar) with a southern twang.
- Angie has this odd blush when she's questioned about her concern for Nene, which suggests that Angie is either more tsundede than we all though or she also has a crush on Nene. For what it's worth, Angie was also feeling up Nene's chest early in the episode.
"who would just assume catch up"
ReplyDeleteThat's "who would just as soon catch up". Given the context though, I'd rephrase it to "who would sooner catch up"
"No soup for you!" Shoutmon? More like SoupNazimon!