In this episode, endangering
hundreds of innocents and leaving them to die somehow makes
Christopher look awesome.
The first time anybody saw Christopher
Aonuma, everyone's first thought was the same- a derisive snicker and
the understanding that he was the token rival character. While we
usually need this archetype around, Christopher was so obviously
positioned to take this role that at first glance it appeared trite.
After all, the likes of Matt, Koji and Thomas have left some massive
shoes to fill. While the show's structure has made it difficult to
keep up with Christopher regularly, the season's unique story is also
what allows Christopher to step into those shoes and then some.
He has Matt's repressed emotional
drive. He has Koji's cold pragmatism. He has Thomas's stern troop
command. Throw them all together and it's hard to see what makes
Christopher stand out. Everything from his hair to his clothes to his
dismissive attitude scream rival. Initial encounters were very
standard, where Christopher ends up helping, either by accident or
asking for some payment. In other words, they've been on the same
side without acknowledging it or going so far as to actually get
along. Then Christopher went and got involved in a bad deal with Team
Midnight. Then another one for good measure.
Now, we finally see what Christopher
adds to the rival equation that none of the others are able to
express: utter disdain for anything that can't help him. The only
precedent for that is Rika, who showed utter disdain for pretty much
everything. But, with a lot of help from her partner, she came to
realize that it's an unproductive attitude destined to limit her
ability to grow. She was forced to change pretty early on. In this
world, that's the sort of dynamic, ambitious thinking that can take
you places!
Certainly, the sort of behavior is
frowned upon and Christopher will surely have to correct it later.
For now though, who can argue with results? Christopher has more code
crowns than Mikey, and gives himself a great chance of taking
Blastmon's. He's a uncaring asshole to be sure, but how great is it
that the show, this far in, can afford to make one of its precious
few human characters this nasty? Even at her worst, it's hard to see
Rika abandoning all those adorable Digimon. At least Renamon would

My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- They made it clear that Nene wouldn't be accompanying the Fusion Fighters all the time, but she's already magically gone by the time Mikey is transferring.
- Few zones get a background story, and after hearing Disc Zone's that's kind of a shame. A data collection area rendered obsolete by the march of technology is pretty clever.
- I don't remember seeing Blue Flare's flag before, but Mikey seems to recognize the conspicuous icons hovering in mid-air. Mind you that's about as realistic as someone in-world identifying a stranger in an MMO by the floating handle above their heads.
- Christopher says he wants to remake the Digital World a such a way to reward the strong. First off, it's hard to picture the other non-Shoutmon contenders having very different designs. Secondly, that's pretty close to the way it is now, isn't it?
Is it just me, or was Christopher a bit too evil in this episode? Considering we've only seen bits of backstory to suggest an unhappy past event involving his parents (join the club, btw), and Deckerdramon apparently saw some good in him, it's jarring to hear him echo Herbert Spencer's "survival of the fittest". Might makes Right is the stuff villains are made of.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the episode as a whole, it's welcome as a cause of conflict and as a way to finally shake up Mikey (prepare for disappointment next episode though, by the way), but in regards to his character and the series, it feels a bit manufactured, even misguided. Maybe it's just the direction they went with rather than the concept itself, but I'd have knocked this episode down to B territory.