Let's try to stay focused. The real
point of this episode is not about Devimon returning, a freak of a
Digimon emerging or TK laying the motherloving smackdown on Ken. It's
about finally seeing some cracks in the Digimon Emperor's armor, and
Ken starting to feel like he's getting in over his head. The little
reactions he has as the darkness starts to overwhelm his plan is
crucial in setting up the climax to this arc and his future role in
the series.
Not that we won't spend an undue amount
of time talking about TK laying the motherloving smackdown on Ken.

Cody and TK had each infiltrated the
base and see this go down as they work to free some captives. Devimon
obviously holds a place of significance with TK, being the first
Digimon to really scare the hell out of him and the one Angemon had
sacrificed himself to defeat. When TK sees Ken mock Devimon and, by
nature, the darkness itself, something just snaps. He leaves Cody and
goes to find the Emperor himself, setting up one of the greatest
moments in the franchise.

In the meantime, Kari and Yolei are
introduced to Ken's little masterpiece Kimeramon. It is truly an
abomination, a composite of ten different Digimon into one
indestructible beast. Ken went completely overboard with this thing,
giving it two sets of wings and five or six different arms, with the
only regard for aesthetic coming in the form of MetalGreymon's hair.
It doesn't help much. This mockery of Equivalent Exchange subdues
Halsemon and Nefertimon easily, but lets them retreat after
Pegasusmon comes to the rescue.
After TK gets one more moment of
awesome when he catches the whip with his bare hand, Ken is left
dismayed and thrown by the whole thing. For all the abuse he takes
and as much as Ken ignored him, Wormmon is still right there next to
Davis, meanwhile, was stuck on an
island the whole time, as his Digimon is neither seaworthy nor
capable of flight. He gets as much screentime as his sister, who
spends the whole time trying to reach the campground, ultimately
getting a ride with some “relatives.” They take her to the wrong
My Grade: A
Loose Data:
- Yolei and Kari have their sleeping bags right next to each other, but there's about a mile of space between them and Davis.
- The parallels between Davis and Jun are quite amusing, as the episode often cuts from one directly to the other, often with the two in the same pose.
- Cody sees the core engine room, but merely notes it and walks on by. If the mission was truly to bring the Digimon Emperor down, shouldn't he just send Digmon in to tear a few thousand holes in the main reactor?
- Not to take away from the big TK/Ken fight, but the newscast in episode three states than Ken is a judo champion. In episode 13, Gatomon calls TK “a lover, not a fighter.” Who's really going to have the upper hand here?
- What's amazing about the fight scene is that TK's lines are completely different in English and Japanese, yet they're both equally badass. Despite the staring contest line, the dub gets the upper hand with the Patamon/Wormmon standoff as the Japanese version puts it to this weird polka music that doesn't fit the scene at all.
A little comment on the third bullet of your Loose Data section: It would've been quite dumb for Iori and Armadimon to go and tear down the engine room right then and there. At the moment, they were still under the sea and destroying the engine room might have been lethal both for them and the Kaiser. Besides, Iori, being the life-preserving pacifist he is, probably wanted to take a look around to find out if the Digimon Kaiser had any prisoners - as he did. Wrecking the base's engine also would have caused the untimely demise of those poor Digimon, which none of the children probably wanted, what with them being much more worried about the lives of innocent Digimon than the Adventure kids ever were.
ReplyDeleteThis has once again been an enjoyable read. Keep it up!
You're right in suggesting that Ken would normally have owned TK - but I think it kinda represents that he's been caught off guard and he's losing it a bit. But as you say, it's a fantastic scene regardless.
ReplyDeletePersonally I thought the whole whip scene was ridiculous and showed that the writers pretty much gave up on even pretending like TK wasn't a total Marty Stu. You get hit by a whip like that, you go down. You don't catch it in your hands or any of that bull.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Along with forgetting about the whole expert in Judo aspect of Ken, that never comes up in the series again.
DeleteUnlike most here. I'm not a great lover of 02 TK, especially when he's in full blown self-rightous mode. If anyone needed to be knocked of their high horse it was him.
This has to be an awsome TK moment!
ReplyDeleteBut I agree with the fact thatTK's upper hand on Ken could be due to the fact Ken is losing it I also think it best persnifies his rage also hes picked up tips from Tai and Matt XD
Kinnda ironic his speech of how 'nows the time to fight' when last season he was compleatly against it
Feels like a missed opportunity by the writers to not have TK's rage result in Patamon getting a dark digivolution. It would have been both delicious irony and a wake up call. But of course we can't have Mr perfect get development like that now can we.
DeleteWith so much emphasis normally placed on Davis (and apparently Cody) this season, it's nice to see T.K. get a chance to own a scene. You've got to complement Doug Erholtz (T.K.'s VA this season) on his handling of the whole scene. "Sorry, the floor's kinda dirty."
ReplyDeleteYou're right about Ken having the clear upper hand here, but I think this should make TK look all the more badass. He's so completely pissed off to the point where he dosen't care the dude he wants to smack is a Judo Master. This is probably the only time I like TK, when he's ironically enough beating one of my favorite characters to a bloody pulp.
ReplyDeleteNothing badass about being the writers pet.
Delete"It is truly an abomination, a composite of ten different Digimon into one indestructible beast. Ken went completely overboard with this thing, giving it two sets of wings and five or six different arms, with the only regard for aesthetic coming in the form of MetalGreymon's hair."
ReplyDeleteI have to wonder what Ken was thinking when he made Kimeramon. With the exception of SkullGreymon's arm, everything else is either ripped from a freakin' Champion or MetalGreymon's hair. That might result in a very powerful Champion, but it seems a bit of a stretch to make it an Ultimate, much less one capable of beating a Royal Knight.
It's not even as if Ken hasn't had Ultimates to work with: MegaSeadramon, Digitamamon, ShogunGekomon, MetalGreymon, Andromon, and SkullGreymon are all decent candidates to work with given their destructiveness. I could come up with a better synthetic Digimon just from those six:
ShogunGekomon's brass instruments for the Musical Fist attack.
MegaSeadramon's head and horn for Lightning Javelin, as well as his whip-like tail for water travel.
SkullGreymon's back-mounted missile for Dark Shot, as well as his spine connecting MegaSeadramon's head to the tail, ribs for extra protection, and arms and legs for physical destruction.
Digitamamon's egg as the lower torso, which can open up for the Nightmare Syndrome.
Andromon's right arm for Lightning Blade and his eyes for analysing enemies.
MetalGreymon's left arm for Mega Claw, wings for flight, and upper torso and chest plate for Giga Blaster (nestled between the ribs).
I wish I was good at art. or I'd draw a picture. Long story short: Ken is not as smart as he thinks he is.
Also, I'd call it Jinkoumon, or "artificial monster".
Delete"In this episode, blah blah evil whirlpool, blah blah Devimon, blah blah Kimeramon... GOOD GOD TK GOES BADASS!! Takes a whip to the face and then just... bam!"
ReplyDeleteYep. :/ He kinda lost it when facing off against Ken.
Yeah, TK was the main focus of this episode. His lines were absolutely perfect when squaring off with Ken.
TK may not know judo but he knows crazy, and considering his dad, and his brother shine at kicking ass it was almost assured he would also, bonus points for punching the villain, beware the nice ones indeed...
ReplyDeleteIt was lazy writing…