Adventure Episode 42: Under Pressure

In this episode, hide and seek has never been more fun! Guest starring Whamon as the submarine and MetalSeadramon as the enemy Soviet commander.

Adventure Episode 41: Sea-Sick and Tired

In this episode, the only sign of encouragement is that the team is getting stronger. Then the team falls for a tired old trick and is barely capable of fending off a simple flunky.

Adventure Episode 40: Enter The Dark Masters

In this episode, the Digimon evolve... and evolve again... and again... and one more time for good measure. It doesn't help.

Adventure Episode 39: The Battle For Earth

In this episode, the digidestined defeat Myotismon's final form and his final final form before realizing that they have more business in the Digital World. His final final final form can wait.

Adventure Episode 38: Prophecy

In this episode, the ultimate weapons against VenomMyotismon are forged by combining the virtues of hope, light and shounen ai.