Adventure Episode 06: Togemon In Toy Town

In this episode, a cactus with boxing gloves and a giant yellow teddy bear beat the snot out of each other. And that's the normal part.

Adventure Episode 05: Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

 In this episode, Izzy says nuts to all that danger business and enters a cheat code to make Tentomon digivolve. We also finally learn some things about this joint.

Adventure Episode 04: Biyomon Gets Firepower

In this episode, some adorable Yokomon and the heart-warming friendship between Sora and Biyomon shield us from the dark, horrible universe we all are trapped in.

Adventure Episode 03: Garurumon

In this episode, Matt decides he's been flying under the radar and gets all angry and emo. Since it's Matt, he still looks cool in the process.

Adventure Episode 02: The Birth of Greymon

In this episode, the group argues about the best course of action and discovers that while the kids are incredibly well-equipped for the environment, the Digimon are not.