Tamers Episode 43: Beelzemon's Big Day

In this episode, the gang returns to familiarity- the school, the bakery, the park, the icy stares of hundreds of agents representing cold, cruel death. Okay, those are new.

Tamers Episode 42: Reunion

In this episode, the tamers return home just long enough to say goodbye to their mommies and return to the breach.

Tamers Episode 41: Homeward Bound

In this episode, Takato declares his love for a girl who responds by reading the nutritional information on a bento box.

Tamers Episode 40: Janyu's Ark

In this episode, a massive grid computing operation designed to save the children is about to be abused by a sock puppet.

Tamers Episode 39: Song of Sakuyamon

In this episode, I know I shouldn't watch this, but I can't take my eyes off it.