Appmon Episode 06: The Ultimate Restaurant Report! Dining App Perorimon!

In this episode, Eri wants to learn how to critique food and a food critic Appmon wants to taste it. Their mutually beneficial scheming lasts until the “important” parts of the plot show up and ruin everyone’s fun.

Appmon Episode 05: A Big Bang Punch Straight to Your Heart! Eri’s an Appmon Idol!

In this episode, we meet Eri and Dokamon: a sweet girl who wants to make everyone smile by pretending to be self-centered, hot-tempered and unreasonably violent, and her lovable partner so loud and obnoxious she locked him away for half a year.

Appmon Episode 04: I’ll Get You and Your Disguise Too! Cameramon’s Halloween Scandal!

In this episode, what better way to counter an enemy that can co-opt any camera than to run around a Halloween block party where everyone has their phones out?

Appmon Episode 03: The Character I Leveled Up is Naked?! Ropuremon’s School Dungeon!

In this episode, fighting off the collective consciousness of a bad role-playing game dovetails nicely into a plot device that feels like it comes out of one.

Appmon Episode 02: The Suspicious Travel Guide! Navimon I Am!

In this episode, Gatchmon’s first experience with reality! A malfunctioning navigation app! A missing romantic interest! A dangerous foe with homing missiles! A new linking mechanic! A quirky villain! Haru summoning a powerful new form! An angry dog! How will they cover all of these? Got bad news for you…