Appmon Episode 20: Farewell, Astora?! Dreammon's Nightmare!

In this episode, a family health scare pressures Astora into deciding whether to commit to his future, become an adult, and break his bond with Musimon. Guess we don’t have to wait for the new Adventure movie now!

Appmon Episode 19: The Sea of the 'Net in Trouble! The 'Time' Has Come: Ultimate App Fusion!

In this episode, Haru and the gang learn the true meaning of Valentine’s Day… jumping into the internet to repair all the phones infected in a hijacked OS launch. And chocolate.

Appmon Episode 18: Haru and Yujin's Bond. Stop the Rampaging Resshamon!

In this episode, the evil corporation behind Pokémon Go uses the promise of a legendary to lead trainers into a deathtrap. We all knew this would happen eventually, right?

Appmon Episode 17: Eri's Copy-Pasted Everywhere? Restore the Dream Concert!

In this episode, Mienumon tries to interfere with Eri’s growing popularity by turning her into a viral sensation. Not sure she quite understands this villainy thing.

Appmon Episode 16: A Message From Across 'Time!' The Truth of the App Drives!

In this episode, you know the protagonist is uniquely inquisitive and the show’s bursting with ideas when it’s already time for the blatant plot dump.