Digimon Universe App Monsters: Ending 3

In this episode, as Appmon launches into its thrilling home stretch, the new Adventure reboot puts as at a crossroads ourselves.

Appmon Episode 38: Take Back Gatchmon! Grandpa Deneimon's Test!

In this episode, the kids don’t know what a phone booth is, someone actually becomes invincible in a digital world, and instead of one Digimon replacing memories with a new confrontational attitude, it’s four Appmon! Take that, Adventure!

Appmon Episode 37: Attack! The Appmon Ultimate Four!

In this episode, four battles against four Ultimate enemies, several dramatic speeches, and a big clue about Hajime! Pretty busy for the one minute each kid’s Ultimate stays active!

Appmon Episode 36: The Election Results! Evil's Clutches Reach for Eri!

In this episode, Eri gets her moment in the sun as the election results are announced in a beautiful climactic moment. Then came the after-party…

Appmon Episode 35: Become One of the Nine Goddesses! The Appliyama 470 Elections!

In this episode, the big Appliyama 470 election has its credibility threatened due to its reliance on a buggy app. Good thing nobody’s dumb enough to do that in real life, huh?