Adventure: (2020) Episode 23: The Messenger of Darkness, Devimon

In this episode, it starts with MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon getting beaten up by Devimon, but resolving the tanker crisis changes everything. Now they’re set to get beaten up by DoneDevimon.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 22: The Unbeatable Blue Sagittarius

In this episode, the voices in Takeru’s head compel him to dive into another giant pit. Somehow Yamato enabling this behavior turns out to be the right decision.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 21: The Tide-Turning Update

In this episode, with Takeru free and hopping through suspicious craters on his own, it’s up to Taichi to pull the win out of his own ass this time.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 20: The Seventh One Awakens

In this episode, the big operation to rescue Takeru goes off… very smoothly actually, considering everything. Sure Angemon ends up dead, but that was so inevitable there’s no point asking why.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 19: Howl, Jyuoken

In this episode, the plot armor is so strong and the enemies feel so non-threatening that even Leomon feels comfortable making an appearance.