Adventure: (2020) Episode 65: The Great Catastrophe, Negamon

In this episode, it turns out the internet is responsible for corrupting Negamon to the point of pursuing total destruction. Yeah, that sounds about right.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 64: The Angels' Determination

In this episode, the real treasure was the friends we made along the way. No, really, Wisemon actually said that. That’s what they’re going with.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 63: The Crest of Courage

In this episode, Taichi undergoes a test to prove he’s worthy of the power he’s already busted out twice before.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 62: The Tears of Shakkoumon

In this episode, Sora and Taichi have the misfortune of accidentally waking up the Digimon with the world’s worst hangover.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 61: A Place To Return To

In this episode, Takeru earns his merit badge by helping ElDoradimon cross a hill.