In this episode, Arukenimon asks the
digidestined to walk into an obvious trap. They head right on in,
knowing full well that it is a trap. Shockingly, they end up trapped.
Where's Admiral Ackbar when you need
him? Sometimes the most obvious details can derail the most intricate
plans. But for all the thought the digidestined put into today's
mission, our fair fish-faced military mastermind could have spared
them a lot of grief by pointing out the glaring oversight. For it
does not matter if you know it's a trap in advance... if you trigger
it, it's still a trap.

Somehow the digidestined are under the
impression that it's more complicated than that. They figure they
might learn more about her scheme (they see no mention of that in the
invitation). They figure they can finally corner her and defeat her
(they have no idea how powerful she actually is). They figure that if
they know it's a trap they can be prepared for it (they make no
preparations whatsoever). The best they can do is send Davis, Ken and
Cody in while TK, Kari and Yolei stay behind. Great, so not only are
they walking into a trap, but they're divided with each group at half

The original plan, if you could call it
that, was to bail immediately if things got rough. Things got rough
after about a minute and rather than retreat out the nearby window,
Davis, Ken and Cody fight off the enemies however possible. Davis
himself wrestles a few of them away. They end up delving further into
the house, winding up face-to-face with Arukenimon herself, playing a
flute. They apparently assume that she's just a flautist in her spare
time and attempt to attack, realizing too late that the flute can
control insects... including Stingmon and Digmon, who promptly sends
them crashing into a large spider web with a Dokugumon bearing down.
It's a trap!
Arukenimon had plans for TK, Kari and
Yolei as well, sending an army of Flymon after the would-be rescuers.
They end up flying inside the house, nowhere near where the first
team had entered, and discover even more bad guys. Then they split up
even further! Shockingly, all three of them end up in sticky
situations themselves.
If that sounds a bit thin for a
half-hour episode, don't worry. Not only are there full evolution
sequences for Veemon and Wormmon, Armadillomon gets three of them!
Three full-length sequences as he turns into Ankylomon, Submarimon
and Digmon. Between just Davis, Ken and Cody's partners, there's 2:17
worth of evolution footage. Imagine what it would have been had they
shown the others.
My Grade: D+
Loose Data:
- From the way the other Digimon were asking DemiVeemon about what it was like to DNA evolve, you would have thought they were a bunch of teenagers interrogating their friend who just got laid.
- This makes it especially disturbing when Kari acts like a yaoi fangirl speculating on future DNA combinations. Note that all of them include ExVeemon, and one of them's with her own partner.
- The giant heads Davis and Cody form when arguing is a strange bit of animation for this series, and given the argument it's not particularly welcome. Like Ken, Cody was very resistant to the notion of DNA evolution as it's a clear invasion of his personal bubble. Davis tries to egg him into it. Nothing like a kid's show that's has a main character trying to convince an elementary schooler to try something with obvious sexual undertones.
- Continuing with the Argumentative Cody theme, Davis likens Giga House to something out of Gulliver's Travels but describes the plot of Jack in the Beanstack. Cody angrily corrects him. But let's not forget that while Lilliput tends to get most of the love, Davis comparing themselves to Gulliver in Brobdingnag would be quite appropriate here.
Cody in my opinion really is the biggest jerk in the series, he hates Ken with a vengeance despite everyone else being willing to let him off. And in a particular fanfiction, I'm reading (the Story we never told) he basically says at least once a chapter that given half an opportunity he'd kill Ken himself.
ReplyDeleteUm, you do know fanfiction is just an interpretation of the character and not the canon Cody himself, don't you?
DeleteI read that fanfic too. Simpler times. Now the author is just Taiora sperging on Twitter.
DeleteContinuity Error Cody mentions Black Gears in this episode when discussing how the Roachmon are being controlled.
ReplyDeleteNot continuity error. The new digidestined were told by the old digidestined about the gears. The episode where they have that reunion, I think its called ghost of a chance. He says they are being controlled by spirals or gears. Its perfectly logical.
DeleteThere's a scene where the kids leave a video for Arukenimon to find where they basically gloat about destroying her control spires and call her ugly. I assumed that this was some kind of trap they were laying for her to bait her into making a mistake but it doesn't seem to have paid off in any way. Did they just make that tape to be mean??