In this episode, Joe and Cody use
psychological warfare while Tai and TK visit Paris and get a bit...
continental with the local ladies.
It's a carbon copy of the last episode,
but anything prominently featuring Tai and TK hitting on a cute
French girl is a winner in my book. Plus TK's grandparents are
infinitely more badass than Michael's dad. Yes, that includes TK's
grandmother, never seen but clearly the only woman in the world
qualified to be Hiroaki Ishida's mother-in-law.

The France segment is about all the
World Tour arc strives for- an entertaining way to let the characters
breathe a little in a new setting, with a bunch of goofy adventures,
some cultural mishaps and maybe a cute girl or two. It doesn't add
anything to the plot, but it's silly and fun and Tai and TK were due
some action with the ladies. It's terrible placement to put these
episodes right as the final arc is kicking into gear (by this point
in Adventure, the Dark Masters arc had begun) and the reasoning is
flimsy beyond belief, but there's too much fun to be had to criticize
it too much.
The existence of these international
digidestined is still very bothersome, with several potential
minefields. The biggest, of course, is the inability for these
digidestined to open gates. You'd think that was some sort of
prerequisite. How else would they know they were digidestined? Were
they all pulled in at one point and had some crazy adventure that
gave them all important bonding time with their Digimon, yet somehow
had no newsworthy impact on the Digital World? Furthermore, if they
can't open gates, how did their Digimon get to them in the real
world? Were all of their Digimon camping near gates, waiting for
Arukenimon to open them for her chaotic interests and popping on
through to see their partners again? It's not like Catherine has been
walking around the real world with Floramon this whole time. There's
probably great answers for all of these, but there is absolutely no
insight to what has to be some fascinating stories.
Oh... right, there's a segment in
Australia too...

Although it's worth noting that episode
41 of last season also featured a Scorpiomon/Zudomon fight. At
least Joe didn't set anybody on fire this time around.
My Grade: B
Loose Data:
- In Japan, the control spires prevented the Digimon from evolving, yet Gomamon, Agumon and Patamon all do it just fine in Australia and France.
- Not only did Hogan suddenly get younger when he pulled the Santa Claus mask off, he also got skinnier. It's a neat trick!
- When introducing himself to Derek, Joe refers to himself and Cody as 'the A-team.' I'll avoid the classic television reference and just say that it's laughable that Joe considers himself a first-stringer. He barely considered himself a first-stringer in season one. Cody's close enough, I guess.
- We didn't see how Izzy and Kari got from Hong Kong to the India border, and that's probably a good thing. This episode has Joe, Cody, Derek and Hogan traveling from Gold Coast to the Great Barrier Reef, a distance of several hundred miles, on a little Zodiac.
- One of the anonymous Australian digidestined had a Bukamon partner. Other than the Poi Brothers, it's the first time anybody's been paired with the same Digimon as another character. Wonder what that kid's conversation with Joe was like afterward.
- So Derek was sailboarding, then crossing massive swaths of ocean on a Zodiac, then leading his Crabmon into battle... and he had his laptop the whole time?
- We never meet French Gennai, but is there any doubt his name would have been either Jacques or Maurice?
So this is a really odd place to put this, but I've followed your fanfics for...oh boy, over ten years now...and just reread all the reality ones. Man were they good! And I have to ask...after America resurrected the Mole for a season 3, any chance of you doing the same thing? You know you want to. More importantly, though, I want you to :)
ReplyDeletewhats your fanfic name send youreply to
ReplyDeletewhat's your fanfiction account? If you're this awesome with reviews, I would love to read your fanfics <3
ReplyDeleteThe French segment was just plain weird in my opinion, what withTai and TK going loco over a girl they met two seconds ago, Davis would have been a better idea, give him someone to stalk besides Kari.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous above, just imagine how interesting it would have been if he was with Ken and that Rosa girl tried to make a move on Ken. Now THAT would be an episode to remember.
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