In this episode, a "power of friendship" moment that gets surprisingly badass. Plus Yamaki has an
innovative solution to this Digimon problem of his.
Okay, I know what you're thinking.
Indramon ditches the initial battle for structurally convenient
reasons. Kazu hand-draws a blue card thinking it'll help Takato.
Indramon returns and is pretty much invincible until this
stupid-looking card works and WarGrowlmon owns Indramon. Sounds
pretty tacky, right?

For starters, we have to buy into
modify cards an an important feature of this world and not some
marketing tie-in. This has been addressed before, but selling this
element of the series is extremely crucial in an episode where all
three tamers slash up a storm in the second Indramon battle. Instead
of an endless parade of stock sequences, it's a chain of maneuvers
where each of the three take a different approach in an attempt to
gain the upper hand (Henry uses defense, Takato uses power, Rika uses
speed). It's primitive, but it's the most tactical the show will get
until Xros Wars, which has the same need to sell its strategic
Then we get to the blue cards
themselves. As a mystery, it's hit-or-miss as the kids are either
obtaining them through magic or the convoluted scheming of a renegade
researcher. Either way, it doesn't hold water. But as a plot device,
it does its job, regulating Ultimate evolution until it doesn't need
to be special anymore. The inconsistency of how the tamers get these
cards plays into this episode's favor. Given how they've just sort of
appeared in the past, when Kazu convinces Takato to try his homemade
version, we all just throw up our hands and think why the hell not.
Had there been a firm rule associated with this sort of thing, we'd
be calling BS. It's easier to swallow when the whole conceit has been
shaky, as long as we know what the end result it supposed to be.

The other half of the episode focuses
on Janyuu, who is summoned for some unknown purpose. This whole thing
could have been handled pretty quickly, sparing more time for
additional footage of the kids slashing modify cards. Instead, they
space it out over the course of the episode, showing Janyuu feeling
uncomfortable, alone and forgotten in a meeting room. Just as he's
about to leave in frustration, he stumbles upon the Hypnos
thunderdome and meets Yamaki and four of his old monster maker chums
from college. Suddenly polite, Yamaki explains what has happened to
the Digimon since their old project and how they need to work
together and help him find a solution to this problem.
Like, say, killing them all.
My Grade: B+
Loose Data:
- The whole “takes forever to devolve” conceit hasn't been used much lately, so it's nice to see them revisit it from time to time as the three Champions are forced to sleep it off in the drainage tunnel.
- Takato has such great facial expressions and is excitable enough to use them, such as when Kazu and Kenta pester Mr. Matsuki for Guilmon bread.
- Hey! That weird-looking kid again! He just lunged for Takato's D-Power! And there he is observing the Indramon battle and cheering for the bad guy! I'm still sure he's not important.
- Considering how Henry and Rika act like mere professional acquaintances rather than friends, it was fun to see Henry giving her a rough time for showing genuine concern for Impmon, and Rika's cute reaction. I don't think she's comfortable with Henry giving her the tsundere label.
- I'm not going to try to repeat the exact process for how a digital life form manifests itself in the real world, but holy crap do they get credit for creating and delivering a valid-sounding explanation.
How did Hypnos cover up the existence of Indramon?
DeleteMy theory so far is that weird looking thing is the so-called Digimon Sovereign, and he will turn out to be part human and part Digimon and also to be more morally ambiguous than his flunkies. My impression so far is that the Sovereign is kind of like Oikawa from last season and the Devas are like Arukenimon and Mummymon -- digimon who are created from his DNA and represent darker aspects of his personality.