In this episode, Jeri's father seeks
to atone for his rough parenting the only way he knows how... by
stealing Mr. Matsuki's truck and crashing it into the bad guys.
As much as we worship Hiroaki Ishida
around here (to the point where I'm concerned that I might not find
ways to talk about him during Frontier), I would never go so far as
to call him a good parent. We can acknowledge that he had a few
shortcomings on that end. So when it comes to Tadashi Katou realizing
that he's partially responsible for Jeri's trauma, it's curious that
his attempt to make amends involves turning into Hiroaki Ishida. Some
parents talk about problems with their kids and hug it out. He turns
into a goddamn action hero.
That's not to say that his reaction is
unnatural in any way. If your only daughter was held captive by a
strange red mass, you'd drive a stolen truck into it too. You end up
feeling bad for the poor guy. Under the gruff asshole we've seen
before is somebody who deeply cares about his daughter and wants to
be a good father... but has no idea how to do it. The death of his
wife and Jeri shunning his new bride puts him in a difficult position
and he just can't figure it out. He figures playing the bad cop is
the best method, except his daughter refuses to love the good cop.
His failures don't change his love for her, however, so of course
discovering her situation is going to turn him into Liam Neeson.

This lends itself to one of the moral
lessons of the season being “you are not alone.” Most of the
problems of the series stem from characters feeling like they are,
ultimately coming around when they realize that they have people (and
Digimon) that care about them after all. It applies to Rika, Impmon,
Jeri, and even Ryo to an extent. Grani is this message delivered to
all of the tamers. Modify cards have made the tamers a bigger part of
the battles than before. Then came bio-merging, where they joined the
battle on par with their partners. Even then, it often felt like just
them against D-Reaper. Grani, engineered by the Monster Makers
(particularly Daisy), is a tangible asset borne solely from the minds
of the adults watching the battle. For all the emotional support,
information and occasional chauffeur work kids have received in the
past, we now see a direct contribution to the front lines making a
critical difference in the fight against the Optimizer agent. Score
one for the grown-ups!
My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- There's a subtle rebuke of the trite phrases that people use to console those who lose loved ones. Hearing “part of her will always be with you” a dozen times must make it lose meaning.
- In the last drive Mr. Matsuki will ever take in his truck, he asks “Where's Poochie?” Er... Ryo. Ryo is back as Justimon and still fighting agents incessantly. Something tells me that this persistence was more Cyberdramon's decision.
- Shibumi uses quantum mechanics to explain how he plans to bring Grani into the real world. It's too simple to qualify as a Lain moment, but you have to credit the show for attempting to teach kids quantum mechanics on a Saturday morning cartoon.
- Oh that smug look on Suzie's face when Dolphin and Curly confirm her assertion that somebody's in D-Reaper's Kernal Sphere! Sassy one, her.
- The other notable part in Rika's reflections is that it's the first time she's even mentioned her father. Until now, we couldn't even be sure that her father was alive, or even once married to Rumiko.
- Tadashi stole Takehiro's truck and crashed it into D-Reaper. That has to make for some awkwardness between those two. I can picture them years later, at Takato and Jeri's wedding, sitting together as the fathers of the bride and groom, reminiscing over old times when Takehiro says, “Hey, remember that time you stole and crashed my truck?”
Not quite, because not only was Ryo the one who wanted to keep on fighting (as he says so himself) it takes... well something (closer to insanity, actually, but duty/dedication/drive works as well) to leave your parents and go completely alone to an unknown world without telling anyone, for an unknown period of time with no way of return, in order to be a partner for a bloodthirsty monster.