In this episode, a bunch of
disagreeable, unhappy children are dropped in the middle of a
decaying world with no instructions and no way to defend themselves.
Digimon Frontier gets off to a really
trippy start. Normally the process of selecting the digidestined is
an intimate process behind closed doors, made well before we see any
contact with the real world. Here we get to see an initial
qualification process and a bunch of kids are shipped to the Digital
World before fate chooses the five that will stick around and save
the day.
In order to be Japan's Next Top
Digidestined, your first challenge is to haul ass and board a train
leaving in a few minutes. This part is beautiful. Everybody in the
surrounding area apparently gets an alert on their phones, and it's
up to each person to consciously make the decision to heed the call
towards a train. Once the digidestined are culled from those who make
it on board, they're stuck in the Digital World. And unlike the
digidestined in Adventure and Zero Two, they chose this.

What's strange about this introductory
episode is that none of the primary characters are presented as
endearing... at all. Takuya's just seeking a thrill. Koji's cold and
indifferent. JP's kind of an asshole (and possibly a sexual
predator). Zoe's flighty and initially conspires with JP to ignore
Tommy. Tommy's really bad- a blubbering mess that was bullied onto
the train and wants no business with any of this. At one point, he
climbs onto a narrow, physics-defying rail, comforted by the fact
that if he falls to his certain death, at least he won't be there
anymore. There's something seriously wrong with this kid.

One thing's for sure, these concepts
are sold well. The main Trailmon featured in this episode has a
distinctive personality. Even with no words, you can sense that the
Trailmon carrying Koji would have a different distinctive
personality. As they approach the refinery-like Flame Terminal,
there's a big gaping hole in the entire world. Right off the bat we
know something's not right here, with no words necessary. These
striking holes will permeate throughout the season.
The concept that needs the hardest sell
gets it. The intensity of the first encounter and the mystique of the
Spirits support the notion of humans becoming Digimon. Takuya runs
into a nasty Cerberumon in a fight that manages to get more intense
than past opening battles. He's forced to show some serious courage
standing up to it with a lead pipe, which leads to him discovering
his Spirit and just going with the rest. The fight is brutal as
Cerberumon drags Agunimon down into a void, cutting him up and
demonstrating just how much danger these kids are going to be in.
It's an eye opening early glimpse of the implications of spirit
evolution, making this adventure seem very real.
My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- I wonder about the implications of every phone going off simultaneously with such a cryptic message. That has to have some buzz among the adults, and at least one camera crew or ambitious blogger would go to Shibuya Station to see what all the hubbub is about.
- When Takuya's mom is scolding her husband for not being home for Shinya's birthday, one of the lines she throws out refers to the kids being “away at camp.” If that's not a throwback reference to Adventure... stay tuned because there will be more later.
- There's a strange symbol on the door of the train car Takuya enters. It looks more like a Playstation cheat code than proper digicode (it goes Square-Triangle-X-O-O) and I haven't found anything on line translating it.
- JP and Zoe comment on this train being closest to the elevator. First off, all the trains seemed to be arranged in a semi-circle equidistant to the elevator. Secondly, if it is the closest train to the elevator, why aren't more kids on it? More importantly, if the Digital World is looking for digidestined who will go the extra mile to fulfill their destiny, why choose the group that didn't feel like walking very far?
- When Tommy goes into his high-wire theatrics, JP's line about “rescuing the baby” is filled with such bitterness that you end up hating both of them more. Here's to delightful internal conflict!
- I was all set to give Zoe a pass on the “not endearing” thing until she started fawning over Agunimon. That got her on the list. JP was already on it, but his visible dismay in Zoe's fawning over Agunimon didn't help.
Something this episode (and all of the following) failed at is making the spirits something to be earned, something valuable. Instead, they are simply found and give power, meaning there's no desire for the audience to see the evolution suceed.
ReplyDeleteZoe mishap of the week: -Not realizing soon enough that the train she got into would be headed for 49 episodes of fanservice.
ReplyDeleteI am still confused by Zoe's (joke?) on the train in the first episode. JP says it was the closest train to the door and Zoe replies " (giggle) Unlike him it was closest to the door" . Whaaaaaat?! Why say unlike if that's exactly what he just said?
ReplyDeleteNot "Unlike him..." If you listen closely, she says "I'm like him..."
DeleteI thought there were multiple elevators...