In this episode, JP finds his beast
spirit and defeats Grumblemon. If that's not enough to get him laid,
nothing is.
There's something sad about the fact that this is as good as it's going to get for JP. Barely past the quarter pole and he achieves his highest level of evolution. He also takes out Grumblemon, gets Zoe her spirit back and looks pretty brave against some serious adversity. It's a legitimately good moment for him, and he can look back on this with pride. It's a shame that the reason he's forced to step up is because everybody else is lazy, and that he made it look much easier than it should have been.

The downside to ending up in a dead-end
cavern is that the bad guys will catch up eventually, especially when
one's an earthbender. Not only does Grumblemon show up, but he brings
along Arbormon. Arbormon has a limited personality and no discernible
brain power, but he has an odd speech pattern, is plenty good at what
he does and fills his role nicely. He also completely owns Takuya and
Koji because they thought that they wouldn't need their beast spirits
to take out a horde of Golemon. That's a sloppy effort out of those
two, and really the only reason JP's services are even necessary.

Whamon spitting out JP's beast spirit
was a nasty combination of predictable and nonsensical. It was
obvious that the glowing thingy in the ocean plant life that Whamon
swallows was a spirit, and that it would come out somehow. But all
these spirits thrown around the ocean floor with no regard to
reverence or elemental theme is shoddy work. Why would the Spirit of
Thunder be underwater? It's downright disrespectful.
On the plus side, at least we've
finally seen the last of Grumblemon.
My Grade: C+
Loose Data:
- It's not quite luxury conditions, but there appears to be plenty of room in the Trailmon for everybody. Why do Takuya and Koji insist on riding outside, especially given how fast it goes?
- The Trailmon ramps over a gap in the track. How does it get back up?
- Last time the group met Golemon (a whole three episodes ago), it took the combined efforts from Agunimon, Beetlemon and Kumamon to take out one. Here Agunimon and Lobomon each blast through three of them like nothing. They just don't make 'em like they used to.
- They practically wave off the whole “inability to control the beast spirit” thing, even though it's probably the most interesting thing we've seen so far. MetalKabuterimon shoots up the whole damn cavern over the first couple minutes, but then he's just fine and dandy.
Maybe they were riding on the outside in case they needed to make a quick stop in case they were assaulted much earlier. Seeing as at that point, Takuya and Kouji were the most powerful members of the team.
ReplyDeleteGive Grumblemon his due. Annoying as his speech patterns and giant nose are, he was at least competent and persistent, which is more than can be said for Arbormon (despite one or two moments), and certainly more than can be said for Ranamon. The only reason he loses here is because he wasn't counting on Whamon interfering, or on the sudden appearance of a Beast Spirit.
ReplyDeleteI did like that scene in which Mercurymon keeps mum on his plans for the Seraphimon fractal code, and then shows up Ranamon when she starts getting nosy. It's a pity he squanders his genius later on, but he sure gave off the cold and calculating mastermind vibe early on.
"He also completely owns Takuya and Koji because they thought that they wouldn't need their beast spirits to take out a horde of Golemon. That's a sloppy effort out of those two, and really the only reason JP's services are even necessary."
Now, that doesn't seem fair. Granted, it's fair to criticize them for not breaking out the Beast Spirits once Arbormon starts beating them up, and especially when he Slide Evolves into Petaldramon, but the two of them were beating up the Golemon competently enough as it was.
I like how Arbormon has some kind of New York accent thing going on. Makes him thuggishly threatening and "dumb muscle" comical at the same time, which is kinda awesome. He's got nothing on MetalKabuterimon, though, but then he doesn't have Steve Blum voicing him.
I'm not sure if the Whamon in this episode is voiced by the same actor who voiced him in Adventure, but they sound the same. Whamon was a hoot here. Reminded me of Dom DeLouis a little bit.
Lastly, I agree the narrative was a bit weak on dramatic potential, but it still had some nice character moments from JP and Zoe, and giving it a C+ feels a bit harsh. It had a decent sense of closure on the Grumblemon arc, and it's not like we know how the Spirits got scattered around in any case, so I wouldn't fault it for that. I still enjoyed your review, though, and thought you made some good points about the injuries and Spirit Evolving.
This was JP's crowning moment of awesome,and Because Takyua and Kyoji become the main starts later on,you gotta give JP his dues.
ReplyDeleteI was NOT expecting JP to kill Grumblemon,so that came to a surprise.
Pretty much episodes 10-14 are my favorite and this episode was a great way to end it.
JP killing Grumblemon was expected.In episode 11,JP kept saying how he'll get Grumblemon for stealing Zoe's spirit.So good job to the writers for not making it empty threats,but cool foreshadowing.
DeleteZoe mishap of the week:
ReplyDelete-Come on girl, at least be kind enough to let chubby know he doesn't have a chance...