Well, at least the episode title's
clever. It's no Princess Karaoke, but it also doesn't play off
“darkest before the dawn.” So hooray for that.
It's easy to try to accentuate the
positives going on here. Babies are adorable. The reunion of the ten
human spirit forms is pretty cool. Zoe manages to find a way to be
useful. And for the second straight episode, nobody dies! At the same
time, all these things do very little to lift an episode that
continues the run of formulaic rubbish. Instead, it's depressing to
realize that these bright spots likely mean that future episodes in
this arc are going to be even worse.

Any hope of trying to understand
Dynasmon and Crusadermon is rapidly deteriorating. It's one thing to
accept that these two believe that Lucemon is the answer to the
world's problems. Add in Crusadermon's ulterior motive and it works
pretty well. It's the fact that they seem to relish in the idea of
turning the Digital World into a lifeless wasteland that becomes hard
to swallow. Even if Lucemon converts the transmitted data back into
something resembling a landscape, it's still dead. Dynasmon claims
clones will be more welcome than babies, despite priding himself on
passion and emotion. Crusadermon values beauty, yet she's turning the
world barren and gray.
The lack of fresh ideas is apparent due
to all the stalling tactics. The conversation of motherhood is
natural, and Koji trying to imagine his mother caring for him and
Koichi together is appreciated, but the impromptu clip show is
disappointing. There are moments where it's acceptable to pause and
reflect on what it means to have a Digimon form. In the middle of an
unrelated conversation at a time when battle is not imminent isn't
one of them. The notion that they consider their first spirit
evolution a second birthday would be very interesting if the series
did a better job developing the idea of their Digimon being a
completely new identity. It simmers just under the surface all
season, but never comes close to being fully realized.

My Grade: D+
Loose Data:
- Takuya asserts that Worm wouldn't let anything happen to the other kids. Now let's be honest, if there was one Trailmon that was reckless enough to endanger its passengers, it's gotta be Worm, right?
- Swanmon is pissed off at the intruders, but she calms down and welcomes them lovingly with nothing more than an explanation. Charming lady. What's stranger is that the gang seems astonished that the only adult Digimon in the area is the caretaker.
- Is anyone else bothered by the number of In-Training level Digimon still hanging around baby camp?
- Zoe refers to Angler by name, as if he's the only Angler type around and they've met several times before. It's pretty safe to assume that is not the case and that this is either a new one or at least one that hasn't gotten a bath from them.
- Dynasmon is so angry at Takuya's “blasphemy” that he goes into wyvern mode again. Given what happened last time he tried that, pissing him off is almost a viable strategy.
- The combined attack from the ten warriors is the first thing that fazed the Royal Knights. Given how badly EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon have been faring, why the hell didn't somebody think to track down the four eggs and take them with? Just because something is impressive doesn't mean it's not repeatable! The insistence of Takuya and company to go it alone and not seek out additional support is one of the most frustrating things about their journey.
I'd never given too much thought to the Primary Village/Village of Beginnings thing until this post, but now that I think about it, was Frontier's dub writing team familiar with Adventure/02's dub after the rights change to Disney? (I know they were definitely familiar with Tamers given the Autumn Leaf Fair/Gallantmon thing...)
ReplyDeleteAnyone who was familiar with Adventure/02's dub would probably have recognized that はじまりの街 was Primary Village in Adventure/02 and would have translated accordingly as per consistency. Since I don't remember any Adventure/02 references being added in Frontier's dub, I'm forced to conclude that either none of the staff was the same...or that someone clearly forgot, and that worries me.
It was called the Village of Beginnings originally anyway,the dubbers just changed it. The fact that they didn't here just means more effort respected in theory.
ReplyDeleteAnd it makes it easier to get the canons correct.
What a petty gripe.
You forgot to mention that it took them 42 episodes until someone(Tommy and Zoe) called "Jinx!" on their simultaneous talking. Lol
ReplyDeleteI could be wrong on this, but wasn't the overabundance of babies meant to be a reflection on just how many Digimon have died due to the world being ravaged? And, again, I could be wrong, but I remember Swanmon mentioning that the Trailmon who normally distribute the babies haven't been showing up lately, so she's been overworked trying to keep up with the ever-growing numbers. It's been a while since I've seen the episode, though, so I don't recall for sure.