In this episode, Marcus and Kouki
provide us with a fight to provide us some entertainment while Kurata
locks up his inevitable victory.
Once the space oscillation charge went
off, this battle was over. Eldradimon and everyone it housed were
stranded in the real world with no way back without the big guy
slimming down enough to fit in Kevin Crier's basement. Kurata knew
what he was doing in sending him over. Even if he didn't have the
Gizumon Javelin at his disposal, he and the national security
department could have leisurely engineered a way to destroy the Mega.

Before everything goes down, the only
major development is the human world's reaction to all this. It's
exactly how you would expect people to react when a giant turtle
crashes into the harbor. Given the prior attacks from Gotsumon's army
and SaberLeomon, of course they're going to be hostile, and of course
the media is going to spin it as a major crisis. Kurata, who presents
himself as the only guy with any sort of solution (which would
actually be true), is given emergency power to go all Pacific Rim on
the poor thing.
Natural as it is, it's shocking and a
little disheartening. Eldradimon, while large and imposing, is such a
non-threat that it's sad to see it demonized on sight. Really,
Gotsumon and SaberLeomon are to blame for this perception. It makes
you appreciate Merukimon's position and his insistence on not
attacking the human world. Eldradimon's cries of pain are tough to
sit through, as a Digimon who did nothing but good is destroyed
forever. The people of this world cheer its destruction.
While Marcus's attacking mentality was
a colossal flop, it's hard to say that anything could have been done
to save Eldradimon. Unless Marcus could have defused the oscillation
charge or prevented its planting to begin with, it was hopeless once
the waterfall burst. That's really disappointing, as so far the
actual impact of the entire Data Squad has been fairly minimal all
season. Other than saving Keenan, they've had few actual
accomplishments since the plot started. They've been doing little
more than putting out fires and accidentally enabling Kurata. If
Marcus's actions had been directly responsible for allowing Kurata's
success and stopping Kouki was limiting the damage, there might be
more emotional impact. As it is now, Marcus is still kicking all
sorts of ass while the world falls apart around him.

My Grade: B
Loose Data:
- Nice bit of reality as the lesser Digimon freak the hell out over getting transported to the human world. Thomas knows his place in telling Baromon (Baronmon? Boronmon? Barometer?) that he's the one who needs to offer leadership to his people.
- Terrible bit of reality that two Pumpkinmon are able to take out a pair of Gizumon XT. Those things are getting more and more pathetic.
- If Kurata really did have the Gizumon Javelin all lined up in his pocket and waiting for Eldradimon to show up, this whole war was a foregone conclusion from the beginning. He wouldn't even need it for your average Mega, as one Gizumon XT was able to take down Merukimon eventually.
- How did Miki know ShineGreymon's name? He didn't appear until the Data Squad was in the Digital World and she doesn't have access to any DATS files standing outside.
"How did Miki know ShineGreymon's name? He didn't appear until the Data Squad was in the Digital World and she doesn't have access to any DATS files standing outside."
ReplyDeleteI wondered exactly that.