In this movie, Agumon tries to save
the world all by himself to impress this girl he picked up.
Like most of the movies based on the TV
shows, you're not going to find a whole lot of substance here. After
the train wreck that was the first Zero Two movie, the mold has been
a short side story where some villain comes out of nowhere to
threaten the city/island/world and is stopped just as quickly. The
Savers movie doesn't stray from this formula and thus will never go
down as anything of consequence. While the Tamers, Frontier and
second Zero Two entries got posthumous dubs prior to Data Squad's
American launch, there was nothing of the sort for this. Nor does
there need to be. That's why this is the Savers movie and not the
Data Squad movie.
At the same time, the movie does take
some novel approaches to the formula that at least makes it
worthwhile entertainment. The biggest one is that it takes the humans
out of the equation, cursed into a deep sleep by bad guy Argomon, one
of the more threatening grass-types you'll ever run into. This puts
the spotlight on the Digimon half of DATS. It's rather enjoyable as
the various quirks of this trio is often shadowed by the strong
personalities Marcus Masaru and Thomas
Touma have (sorry, the Babel fish is still taking hold here). Without
those guys, we get to enjoy the Digimon doing their own thing, yet
with characters that we're already familiar with, unlike the steep
learning curve into the X-Evolution world.

Despite Lalamon's sausage nunchuks (and
her airlifting work, and her aerial combat against a fleet of
Pipismon, Agumon is the main focus here. With the humans out of the
picture, he instead gets the next best thing. Rhythm, despite not
looking like a Digimon, not adhering to the proper naming convention
of a Digimon and not having the special abilities of a Digimon... is
a Digimon. This is never adequately explained, and is by far the most
curious thing about this movie. Unfortunately, everybody just seems
to go with it, so it's never addressed. You get the sense that the
writers were so desperate for some sort of human element and winged
it. She has this sweet little rapport with Agumon, but it's a bit of
a cop-out.

It's a shame ShineGreymon was needed at
all. It would have made for a more satisfying conclusion if Agumon
had figured out a way to beat Argomon with no human assistance.
Perhaps Rhythm could have helped. Or Lalamon and her sausages.
My Grade: B-
Loose Data:
- What really made Lalamon's sausage stunt hilarious was that not only did she start munching on them, but so did everybody. Gaomon sheepishly asking for one and Rhythm happily obliging is one of the cutest scenes in the movie.
- Argomon sets himself up as being so mighty and dominating, yet one fireball from Agumon sets his entire vineyard up in smoke, releasing the humans from their slumber. Talk about super-effective.
- Even though he's referred as Argomon in every media I could find, the name Algomon seems so much more appropriate, just so you have the two opposing Digimon being Algo and Rhythm.
- One more oddity about Rhythm is that even though she's a Digimon, she appeared to help Masaru with his Soul Charge that activated the Burst Mode.
- Coolest thing about the ending credits? Outtakes! Agumon crashing, Lalamon unable to support Rhythm, a burning Algomon falling over (and needing the crew to extinguish the flames). It's very random and very cool.
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ReplyDeleteAnd the Geogreysword is totally useless again... and Masaru is surprised for this for some reason