In this episode, MadLeomon dies,
putting to rest the popular myth that he was ever a competent

His introduction is supposed to be
intimidating, popping up from a high place, looking down on Mikey as
he coldly produces an unorthodox digifuse to serve as a threat.
Greymon and MailBirdramon are bigger than any of the base components
on Shoutmon's team, and tinted blue as if they were in a game of Team
Fortress. Christopher offers to help save Jeremy in exchange for
fealty, promising that they will never amount to anything without

Oh, he looks like a threat! He
certainly carries himself as if he was one. But if he's really
determined to force Mikey into joining Team Blue Flare, he picked a
terrible time to do it. He needs to do it when Mikey's back is truly
up against the wall, and this just doesn't fit the bill. Jeremy's in
a precarious position to be sure, but it's nothing that this army
isn't capable of handling. Mikey makes it harder on himself by
pulling a Zoe/Yoshi and forgetting that he has a flying Digimon on
the team, forgivable since we haven't seen much of Lillymon (insert
dub censorship joke here). But did anyone really believe Mikey wasn't
going to handle this? If this was Christopher's idea of a perilous
situation that needs his intervention, he has a very low standard for
perilous situations.
Mikey also finds Christopher's
leadership unforgivably cruel, which is a big assumption in such a
short time. We've seen kids take an authoritarian tone with their
partners before- Rika, Ryo, Thomas... Matt on his bad days. Save for
the occasional existential crisis, their partners have accepted this.
Who's to say that Greymon and MailBirdramon aren't willing to fully
submit to their general's intensity? Gaomon was all about that. Only
Golemon seemed bothered by Christopher, but he hasn't gotten the
paint job yet so he might be new.
As impressed as Christopher and Nene
were with Mikey's ability to lead Shoutmon, Ballistamon and Dorulumon
against MadLeomon, this enemy's not particularly competent. Rather
than let the other troops soften and overwhelm Shoutmon's army, he
absorbs his cohorts at the first sign of defeat to create one single
entity. This allows Mikey to concentrate the big guns in the form of
Shoutmon X3 and wiping out MadLeomon without much trouble. It was a
comparatively easy win compared to the accolades Mikey received for
it. Hell, he even trusted Jeremy with his plans, so it couldn't have
been too difficult.
My Grade: C+
Loose Data:
- As much as it's played for laughs, having a team name and flag seems a lot more important this season than Kazu and Kenta's joke of a banner in Tamers.
- The legend of giant bamboo shoots rising out of the ground is either completely random and confusing or an obscure Japanese legend and confusing. Either way- confusing.
- Jeremy's “not today” speech has a bit of an Aragorn feel to it. Nice to know he indulges in fantasy movies as much as fantasy games. And how exactly does Drimogemon's death compel the bamboo shoots to retract?
- Mikey digifuses Dorulumon without his permission. Can he really do that?
- Mikey settles on Fusion Fighters, which is a totally generic and uninspired name, despite attempting to be a message against Christopher's methods. The original name, Xros Heart, intimated this far better. I promise to keep things dub-centric so I won't be calling them Xros Heart (thought it will be forever tied to the Tai-Izzy-Sora-Kari-TK group in Adventure), but I may occasionally call them the Angry Parakeets.
- Jeremy instantly being in love with Nene is even more pathetic than JP's crush on Zoe. The real question, however, is why Angie's so uptight about his fawning. She shouldn't care who Jeremy arbitrarily decides is his OTP.
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ReplyDeleteNo praise to Jeremy for making that absolutely impossible shot?