In this episode, while the Fusion
Fighters luck their way into a code crown underground, nobody notices
the important developments happening on the surface.
Despite the series being clearly
defined by a set of mini-arcs, the same pattern that's weaved its way
into most of the seasons is looking like it'll hold true in Fusion as
well. Like clockwork, once the episodes start to get into the
preteens, they start to get less formulaic and annoying and things
actually start happening. They don't necessarily get better; that was
only the case in Data Squad. But while this adventure is way too
flawed to earn high marks, it's clear that Fusion is starting to open
things up and break out of the rut it's been in since entering Island
Probably the biggest flaw this time is
that the Fusion Fighters earn a code crown without exhibiting any
sort of extraordinary effort. In fact, the only reason they end up on
the right track to begin with is an inexcusable lack of discipline.
By now, everybody on this team should have their priorities in order,
and any that don't involve collecting the code crown or liberating
the zone from the bad guys should be cast aside. Yet at the first
whisper that there's buried treasure to be found, everybody charges
into the desert and gets heatstroke. They end up underground when
they charge towards an oasis and get caught in quicksand. That's a
serious lack of leadership there.

Still, it's a tricky one to judge
because in spite of all these transparent faults, this episode is
still enjoyable as all hell to watch. Despite being unconvincing as
one of the three generals alongside credible (and still entertaining)
threats like Tactimon and Laylamon, Blastmon's simple-minded pursuit
of shinies is fun. So is accidentally falling into him by sheer
fortune, a departure from the usual script of getting through layers
of underlings before reaching the general. There's wacky chase
sequences, snide comments (Ballistamon is finding a niche pointing
out the obvious whenever his teammates fail to see it), and the sort
of stuff that the dub has always delivered with more energy than the
original. It's all quite silly, but in limited doses that's not a bad
thing. You just kinda wish you could hear more of what's going on
My Grade: B-
Loose Data:
- Jijimon pops out mid-jump to explain the history of the Digital World and the significance of the code crowns. Valuable info... felt like it would have been better served about five episodes earlier.
- Cutemon sounds awfully weird when he's yelling about Jijimon's treasure story leading them into trouble.
- As evidenced by this and his appearance in Zero Two, Deputymon seems to specialize in silly episodes that don't accomplish very much.
- So all of a sudden Mikey can reuse his digicards? That could have come in handy in previous zones. Maybe the second time around, he might actually know how to use them!
- The digifuse sequence for Shoutmon X4 was abbreviated! There's hope yet!
- The post-episode analysis rarely has much to talk about, but there's something awesome about Monitamon breaking the fourth wall and fishing for compliments about his acting. It's not a style of humor the show busts out very often.
wow all the episodes have gotten c's or above was this better then adventure and frontier?
ReplyDeleteIt's a better start than both of them (every season except Tamers, actually), but not a pace that will hold up. Here's the comparison:
DeleteAdventure: 2.11 after 12 episodes, 2.89 complete.
Zero Two: 2.42 after 12 episodes, 2.77 complete.
Tamers: 3.14 after 12 episodes, 3.33 complete.
Frontier: 2.61 after 12 episodes, 2.59 complete.
Data Squad: 2.42 after 12 episodes, 3.10 complete.
Fusion: 2.69 after 12 episodes, ??? complete.
In my personal opinion, I wouldn't say it was better than Adventure. Adventure started off really weak, but hit its stride near the halfway point. Fusion (based on the original, since the dub isn't finished yet) has a marginally stronger start, but remains pretty mediocre throughout.
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely better than Frontier, faint praise though that may be.