In this episode, who needs angels
and arrows when all it takes to defeat NeoMyotismon is a hundred dead
There's nothing like a good body count
to ramp up the dramatic impact of a battle. Sacrifice is an important
part of the franchise and one of the reasons we all get so emotional
about it. It reminds us of what's at stake and it means saying
goodbye to a character that we may have grown attached to. Nobody's
ever going to put Lopmon on their list of saddest deaths in the
franchise. It's not even close to the saddest death in Fusion. But at
this point in the series, it's a gut punch that not only was his
sacrifice necessary, but that it took a whole village to seal
NeoMyotismon's fate.
It may say episode 34 up there, but the
seasons of Digimon Fusion are so rigidly divided that it feels like
episode 4. Last time that was a detriment, as there was little to
cover for a still-incubating plot and Christopher acting like such a
newbie. Now, it's shocking that we're getting this dark this early.
This is the equivalent of File Island's Yokomon village being wiped
out fighting Meramon. Heck, even if we treat it like an episode 34,
the only casualties we had in Adventure by this point were Pumpkinmon
and Gotsumon. And this dub sure as hell didn't banish those Lopmon to
no damn dungeon.
Speaking of Myotismon, turns out
there's a prophecy with this incarnation too. It involves a rare
white Lopmon that has the power to vanquish the otherwise immortal
NeoMyotismon, which explains him going all Cronus on the locals.
While we should always be leery of prophecies like this, what makes
it work is that NeoMyotismon himself is responsible for making it
come to pass. It's only after he absorbs all of the Lopmon that they
band together and channel all of their energy into one of them, which
goes white. This is what gives Shoutmon and MetalGreymon the power to
evolve and later fuse together, and this Shoutmon DX is strong enough
to escape and damage NeoMyotismon. NeoMyotismon doesn't regenerate
because, oh look, all of the Lopmon he relied on for that are now
dead. His desire to ensure his immortality is the very thing that
destroyed him.

Once a partner Digimon gets big enough,
they usually check their characters at the door. MetalGreymon bucks
that trend, joining Sparrowmon as a proper partner Digimon with all
the development and quirks afforded to them. It's unorthodox that
he's so huge, but get used to it; he's not the only big guy on
Christopher's team that will get some serious screen time. Now that's
one that might make that list we were talking about.
My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- I don't know what's worse, the fact that they insist on saying MetalGreymon was “digi-absorbed” or that they toss the term around like it's something that happens enough to have a proper name. Not that it's the last time it'll happen, of course.
- Did Mikey really quote the opening theme song? And is that really the first time it's happened? There had to have been a poorly dropped “Digimon are the champions!” cry at some point in season one. If not, it goes to show you that the Fusion opening is way better than Adventure's.
- One of the great things about Nene is that as cooperative as she has been lately, she's still all business. She isn't nice enough to give Mikey's team ample time to cross the bridge; she's blowing that sucker up whether Dorulumon's ready or not.
- Even as the show throws in another form of Myotismon, it adds a self-deprecating (and oh so satisfying) moment making fun of the way Myotismon is constantly surviving and rolling out new forms. Beelzemon stamping that noise out is almost as awesome as everything he did in Tamers.
I find it funny that they're calling Shoutmon DX... Shoutmon DX. The "DX" stands for 'Double Xros', and the dub is going with 'Double Fusion'.
ReplyDeleteThe first time I watched this episode I thought the white Lopmon was Terriermon. For some inexplicable reason. ��