This is now at least the third time
Homeostasis has possessed Hikari. Based on past results, there are
two outcomes when this happens. One is that God Mode will be
activated, hundreds of Digimon will be rallied to the cause and
Mugendramon will be dramatically knocked off his perch. The other is
a round of technobabble exposition, followed by an emotional breakup
of the team. The Digimon see the writing on the wall, and it isn't
Mugendramon. He's not showing up until the next movie.

Thankfully, all of this leads to the
critical point us and the Digimon need to take out of it: Meicoomon's
next appearance could trigger a reboot that might
save everything by resetting the Digital World to a pre-infection
state... at the cost of their memories. Stopping Meicoomon, someone
whom they've come to accept as a friend, might
spare the need for such drastic action. There's a lot of “might”
in here, suggesting they might be boned either way.

Not so
much for Takeru and Patamon. In stark contrast to the other partners
desperately trying to extract as much happiness as they can in what
could be their last moments, all Patamon can do is suffer in Takeru's
arms. Worse, this sadness is an improvement over his tragic show of
bravery earlier. Between his plan to run away somewhere he can't hurt
anybody to his insistence that the others put him down, you admire
him for his selflessness but also wish it wasn't necessary. The
others respond accordingly, hesitant to fight him but failing to
provide an option other than telling Koushiro and hoping he'll figure
it out.
not going so well either. Koushiro has hit nothing but dead ends, his
thirst for knowledge suddenly poisoning him. It's been a recurring
theme in tri.- digidestined dealing with the negative ramifications
and consequences of their crests. Now this fruitless search is
torturing him, and Tentomon too as he has to watch it. Koushiro is
able to make a little progress once he hears about the reboot, but
it's telling that the information comes not from research on his
computer, but from talking to a loved one.
Grade: A
- Odd of the Digimon to sneak out of Koushiro's office, then ask why they snuck out of Koushiro's office. The idea of a “player's only meeting” is fun, but you wonder why they got all the way under the bridge before asking such questions.
- The entity that possessed Hikari in Adventure had been identified as Homeostasis in other materials, but this is the first time its name has been dropped in the anime.
- The quantum sea and the quantized world are new concepts, but fit in nicely with the demiurge prologue of Reunion and the philosophy of multiple possibilities presented in Zero Two. My interpretation is that the Digital World is a manifestation of tangible ideas in this sea, interlinked with similar worlds with slightly altered ideas. If severe enough, the infection not only weakens the quantized world, it sinks the Digital World and irreversibly disrupts the real world.
- You can tell Tailmon is on edge here the way she shuts Agumon up twice in the same scene.
- The worst part about the harmonica suite (we need a good name for that whole sequence) is all the silent cues of how comfortable the kids and their partners are with each other. Yamato doesn't acknowledge playing for Gabumon and Gabumon doesn't press him, Hikari has a system for feeding Tailmon ice cream without anyone noticing, and Taichi suspects Agumon is trying to cover up mischief. Also, that same picture from Adventure shows up three more times.
- Joe wanting to introduce Gomamon to his girlfriend, referring to them both as his “partner,” raises interesting questions about the complications of courtship and marriage while having a Digimon partner. The two partners pretty much have to be compatible too, right?
- When Koushiro notices that the code he's looking at isn't binary, he freaks out because it isn't recognizable. It's a little surprising he has no concept of ternary code, unorthodox as it is. Unless he's afraid of seeing a 3 pop in there somewhere. Also, if ternary code represents infected data, remember that the evolution sequenes have involved ternary since tri. started.
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ReplyDeleteI think Homeostasis only had possession of Hikari during battle between MetalGarurumon y WarGreymom.
ReplyDeleteIn the battle against Mugendramon, I think this was just misterious abilitties of Hikari.
Iiiiihhhh hikari kamu cantik, imut , bening lagi pengen cubit2 deh