In this episode, just as we’re about to get
deep with Sora, Taichi and Yamato, Mugendramon says no to character
development and yes to killing everyone in the forest.
The abuse of ambiguity might be tri.’s biggest
fault. Four movies in and we still don’t have enough hard data on
what the main characters know. The most glaring example is whether
their lack of obvious concern for the missing 02 digidestined is due
to a prior incident they’ve already normalized, the reassurances
from the bureau that everything’s all right, or a glaring blind
spot we just have to overlook for the sake of the rest of the story.
But it shows up in other cases too. There are several potential
explanations for how Meiko appears in the Digital World, but without
one it’s hard to examine the significance of it. And while Taichi
and Yamato attempt to diagnose Sora’s problem, putting a welcome
spotlight on a trio of deep relationships, we’re still left
guessing what those relationships actually are.
Now in their familiar Child forms, the Digimon are
getting closer and closer to stable relationships with their
partners. As they settle in for the first night, the subject becomes
more on what they need to do about Meicoomon. Admirable that as
devastating as their partners losing their memories is, they’re
still at a place where they can focus enough to realize how
troublesome Meicoomon’s condition is and how they need to act.
Their relief is apparent; they can smile and joke and needle the way
Takeru sees Meiko as a helpless moeblob. The way they question
Meiko’s constitution reinforces the respect the eight have for each
other; having been through what they have, none of them doubt the
toughness of anyone else on the team. Which explains why it takes so
long for anyone to notice Sora breaking down. It doesn’t happen
often, and when it does it usually isn’t subtle.

The plot interrupts the compelling character
moment when Meicoomon suddenly dashes through to make their quest to
find her really easy, followed by Mugendramon showing up to make
their quest to not die really hard. At least the enemy isn’t
screwing around, throwing the biggest damn thing it can in front of
them and telling it to kill. Chaos reigns from there as the team is
inexplicably separated and Meiko is inexplicably discovered in the
desert of random telephone poles. Meicoomon probably made both
distortions happen in the midst of her distress, but again it isn’t
spelled it out for anyone.

My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- Palmon asks if Mimi thinks she’s pretty and earns an enthusiastic yes. Early in season one, Mimi used to rag on Palmon’s appearance. Character development!
- Maki’s program tracking Digimon has Bakumon highlighted. The rest of the list is mostly random with a few partners thrown in.
- Several shots surrounding the Mugendramon attack are just awkward. Everyone starts freaking out about where Taichi and company are, only for them to appear with no extra drama. Their reunion features Mimi with a smiling Sora even though Sora’s miserable. Piyomon flies away but is somehow magically reunited with Sora as they’re all being blasted. Heck, everyone’s with their partners even though all but Sora and Hikari are separated from them when they get pulled through the distortions.
- It’s hard to place exactly where they’re going with Piyomon’s interactions with Sora in the desert. She’s still being stubborn, but it’s vague whether her startled reaction is her realizing that she said something seriously hurtful (making her realize that she’s kind of being an ass) or if she had suddenly spotted Meiko. The latter makes sense continuity-wise, but the former would help bridge the gap to her eventual turnaround.
I am 100% agreed with this blogger. This is the best thing i have seen in this type of blog. Do upload more blogs like this more often thanks in advance..!
ReplyDeleteI know this is somewhat of a generational thing, but the lack of the Oxford comma in the summary line was very confusing. I saw four names in a row with only two commas, and my first thought was that "Taichi and Yamato" were the subject of a new clause, with a parenthetical phrase about Mugendramon immediately after.