Fusion Episode 16: A Dark Cloud Over the Sky Zone

In this episode, the new president's first act is to open the door for darkness to engulf the land and for the Bagra Army to take control. THANKS OBAMA.

Fusion Episode 15: Trouble in Paradise

In this episode, the serene, cultured Sky Zone is actually an Orwellian dystopia. Good thing there's a candidate like Lucemon there to call for liberation. Vote Saxon.

Fusion Episode 14: Showdown in the Sand Zone

In this episode, Mikey assembles a Millennium Puzzle made up of actual pyramids. Laylamon summons a monster in attack mode, then plays a trap card face down.

Fusion Episode 13: Mikey, Warrior of the Light!

In this episode, we learn that Reapmon once slaughtered an entire order of holy Digimon and that he's actually a good guy.

Fusion Episode 12: Treasure, Traps, and Trouble – Oh My!

In this episode, while the Fusion Fighters luck their way into a code crown underground, nobody notices the important developments happening on the surface.