Xros Wars Episode 75: The Theme Park of Dreams, DigimonLand!

In this episode, a Digimon theme park is so authentic that the Sephirotmon ride traps you in an evil, megalomaniacal scheme. It's just like the real thing!

Xros Wars Episode 74: The Rare Cards Have Disappeared! The Invincible RookChessmon

In this episode, the hunters intervene in the case of a Digimon gaining power through a popular collectible card game... but only after it completely drains the energy of its victim. Twice.

Xros Wars Episode 73: The Great Undersea Adventure! Find the Treasure Digimon of Dreams!

In this episode, after all these years we finally find out why Dagomon never got a proper appearance in Zero Two. Seriously, have you actually seen this guy?

Xros Wars Episode 72: The Great Gathering of UFOs and Dinosaurs! Ekakimon of Dreams

In this episode, a boy and his Ekakimon create giant monsters to terrorize the school, then act surprised that anyone would have a problem with this.

Xros Wars Episode 71: Resemblance or None at All? The Thief in Disguise, Betsumon

In this episode, the latest enemy turns out to be so stupid that only Tagiru and Gumdramon are any match for it- a Digimon cosplayer.