Appmon Episode 48: Activate! Operation: Human Applications!

In this episode, Haru’s so broken by Yujin’s betrayal that the other three kids pass him up to get their final forms first.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 02: War Game

In this episode, Taichi and Yamato are thrown so far off the deep end that all the teamwork in the world can’t stop them from relying on their magical little siblings to save their asses.

Appmon Episode 47: The Truth About Yujin

In this episode, Haru and Yujin reminisce about their unbreakable friendship and promise to keep it going through an uncertain future. Then Yujin reveals himself as a back-stabbing android. As you do.

Adventure: (2020) Episode 01: TOKYO DIGITAL CRISIS

In this episode, knowing we’d be overcome with the urge to compare and contrast every little thing this reboot does to the original series opener, at least it has the foresight to be objectively better in every single way.

Digimon Adventure: (2020): Opening 1

In this episode, we’re overhauling the schedule a bit to provide regular coverage of the new rebooted Adventure series! With that comes a new Patreon to support us!