In this episode, two momentous
occasions as Cherubimon is finally defeated and Zoe finally
apologizes for being boring.
This would have been a very beautiful
second-to-last episode. For all of the warts this season has, to cut
its losses here would have been to salvage it. Even a short arc to
wrap up the big Koichi twist and give us the inevitable
Lucemon/Susanoomon showdown would have been lovely. At the very
least, we would have been able to say Frontier was on par with Zero
Two, faint praise as that may be. It would have worked too; whatever
that big ball o' data that fell down to Lucemon signified, it could
have very easily spelled his full return rather than the arrival of
more lackeys.

Seeing the backups acknowledge that
they're watching this from the sidelines is touching, because it's
very hard to do in something this important. The fate of the world is
at stake and, despite having some pretty impressive power themselves
(as demonstrated just last episode), they're stuck in the bleachers.
It's not to the extent that we saw in Adventure of course, but
there's an element of sacrifice involved with being so willing to
accept this role. That's why it's so crucial that this series of
events come towards the end of the line: as it is now, they'll be
doing this same routine for the next ten episodes. It gets old.

As for the battle itself, it goes
through a few stages and there's plenty to like in each of them.
Rather than the notion of facing insurmountable odds, you get the
sense that Takuya and Koji feel that this is a winnable battle. That
adds to the drama as their initial momentum feels appropriate, while
failure is still a very real option and seems even more devastating.
When Cherubimon absorbs a boatload of data and grows huge, he gains
the upper hand for a while until a beautiful combination of strategy
and sheer willpower defeats him. MagnaGarurumon comes up with the
plan, but accepts that he has to play meat shield since
EmperorGreymon has the necessary weaponry. That sort of final shot is
how someone like Cherubimon should go down, and the shot of a
victorious Takuya carrying Koji back to the others is a perfect
Now end, goddamn it!
My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- There's a bit of crazy brilliance in the idea that so much data is being absorbed from the Digital World that its gravitational pull is affected.
- While JP gets a proper character moment out of his encouragement to Takuya and Koji, Koichi barely gets four words in before Takuya breaks it up. From his expression, it looked like he was worried that it was going to turn into a creepy twincest moment.
- The sight of Takuya's on Zoe's lap is kinda suggestive for a kid's show, certainly more of an affectionate display than we're used to seeing... unless you count Tommy motorboating Zoe in episode 31.
- MagnaGarurumon sounds awfully damn positive that his plan will work. It does, but he makes a whole lot of assumptions here and takes on a whole of personal risk believing they're right.
- It's a pretty nice touch that MagnaGarurumon's armor is slowly stripped away as he charges towards Cherubimon.
I guess I'm going to have to wait for your overall closing commentary on Frontier but I'm surprised you implied that it wasn't as good as Zero Two.
ReplyDeleteWith the likes of Savers and Xros/Hunters, Frontier for me has been raised to a respectable level.
Deleteif you think this episode puts ideas of takuya and zoe having a romatic intrest in eachother then wait till latter on in the series and you'll be surprised. overall i think that itd be bad if lucemon came right after this cause then they'd go right to susanomon making the whole magangarurumon and emperorgreymon forms pointless if an even stronger one came two episodes after we got them. itd be like if right after reaching mega wargreymon and metal garrumon just dna digivolved the next episode.
ReplyDelete"Now end god damn it"
ReplyDeleteOh...if only...Ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA (please help)
You got a Ferret in your pants or something?