In this episode, the group runs into
a second set of kids that are somehow even bigger assholes than they
used to be.
Once again, we delve into the theater
of characters that are more interesting than the main cast. As much
as Ophanimon has the world's best interests in mind, it's easy to
second guess her methods. Her track record of betraying Cherubimon
helped spur both his corruption and defeat. Now we can confirm our
suspicions that her method of choosing her saviors had several flaws.
It may have been necessary, but it was terribly reckless. It
endangered not only all of the children that answered her call, but
stretched resources that were already tight and even put\ the entire
real world at risk. For someone heralded as one of the wise guardians
of the Digital World, to create a situation that not only allows
these four kids to run rampant but practically begs them to,
Ophanimon is exposed as irresponsible and naive.
That makes this episode delightful for
us iconoclasts. Really, its biggest failing is that it doesn't
directly wag a finger at Ophanimon. It comes awfully close though,
showing the terrible consequences of sending an open invitation for
any kid with time on their hands to travel to the Digital World.
First, it tears down whatever barrier may have existed between the
two worlds. Allowing these kids in, even ones there legitimately like
our protagonists, is an ever-present reminder that the real world is
sitting out there for any enterprising villain to take a whack at
(the ShadowToyAgumon from episode 7 come to mind). On the flip side,
is it really a good idea to show all these kids the way to this
wondrous land, only to pull the rug out from under them the second
they arrive? Even after they leave, they remember the place exists,
and they'll tell all their friends. Some, like these four assholes,
won't leave at all.

While the episode offers little more
than a minor sidebar and a forced cliffhanger, having these new
characters around is refreshing, especially given their faults.
Katsuharu is high on being the leader and low on taking orders, but
doesn't pass muster when his own courage is tested. Teppei's an
asshole that relishes the chance to boss others around but is the
first to beg for help under pressure. Chiaki doesn't appreciate the
stability of a decent family life. Teruo marvels at the world without
pausing to consider its dangers. That's a lot to work with, and it's
impressive to learn this much about them this quickly. It's hard to
imagine them making good digidestined, but then again it was hard
imagining our crew as good digidestined when we first met them.
My Grade: B
Loose Data:
- For as much as fans adore Mikey's “a hero needs goggles” line in Hunters, Koji's sarcastic “all the cool kids wear goggles” line doesn't get nearly enough attention, especially Takuya's weak response of “they will!”
- Sagitarrimon was an appropriately comic oaf, and the dub did a fair job interpreting what was likely a tricky Japanese pun in the process.
- Patamon being absolutely awestruck by Angemon was adorable beyond belief.
- In keeping with the “imagining these four as digidestined” bit, all four have voices identical to Kazu (Katsuharu), Tai (Teppei), Davis (Teruo) and Yolei (Chiaki). Some work better than others, although it's odd that Teppei's seemed to fit the best. Double bonus is that it's the same voice as Tommy's brother. Unintentional metaphors ahoy!
- There's a bit of missed continuity when an Angler was one of the trains spotted at Forest Terminal. An Angler delivered Koji to Flame Terminal. Maybe not the same one (there's obviously more than one of each kind), but why not mix it up a bit?
- Some people have speculated that these four were somehow supposed to receive the spirits of earth, wood, water and steel. That would have been cluttered, desperate, terrible storytelling and these people should be ashamed of themselves.
It might have been cluttered, desperate and terrible, but if it had happened ten episodes or so ago instead of the silly "Takuya and Koji use all the magic" resolutions, it could have been more interesting.
ReplyDeleteI always liked the theory that they would have gotten the other four Spirits had Lucemon failed to turn Cherubimon, and resorted to some other method of freeing himself.
ReplyDeleteCourse, that would be a bit off, the leader of the beasts giving his Spirits to humans, instead of fellow Digimon.
I feel like this episode proved that the others weren't useless like people like to say. Also it made me wonder if any other kids decided to stay. Angemon said, "Most of the children were decent enough to swallow their pride and turn right back around.". This means that if there were other kids that stayed Ophanimom is responsible for their deaths.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if there wasn't a gentle jab at earlier seasons here; "You guys are basically useless! You just get in the way while your Digimon partner does all the work for you!"
ReplyDeleteNot ashamed in the slightest. Sorry (not really).
ReplyDeleteFrankly I would have enjoyed seeing the remaining four spirits get a redemption spotlight. Given how much bitching goes on about this part of the season.