In this episode, the identity of
Keenan's parents! DNA tests tell all! Next time on Maury!
When you really break everything down,
this series doesn't do all that much different in terms of organizing
episodes. Everything is still more or less divided into arcs, with
progressively worse bad guys each time. Longer arcs may be chopped up
further, similar to the mini-arcs season two preferred. There are
still breather episodes, plot dump episodes, and episodes that exist
solely to showcase a new evolution. Now that the awful early filler
is out of the way and we have a short pause in the Merukimon saga,
it's clear that one key to appreciating Data Squad is understanding
its ability to get the most of these requisite episodes.

Marcus and Keenan breaking the digital
gate was a nice, convenient touch. It necessitates a bit of downtime
for DATS and removes Thomas from the episode to give Yoshi a chance
to show some character (like griping about being the only one old
enough to drive). Also, it's true to character that Keenan is
desperate to return home and Marcus wants to rescue Yushima (Mikey
Code!). Their kicking and screaming throughout the physical continues
to illustrate the parallels between these characters. They both have
very simple philosophies, act primarily through emotion, and
recognize the value in taking decisive action. Their loyalty to their
parents (or the Digimon Keenan thinks is his mother) guide much of
what they do. In fact, Keenan thinks his mother is a Digimon but is
actually human while Marcus thinks is father is human but...
Keenan is also amazed by the human
world, which is played up far more here than the similar experience
the partner Digimon had in Adventure. And it should be! Every season
has a period of adjustment where the new children are first exposed
to the Digital World, moments that sell the exotic nature of the
world. Why shouldn't that same reaction happen in reverse? Digimon
seem to get used to the city quickly, save for the occasional misstep
like attacking a subway train. Keenan flips out, as well he should.
Him marveling over the size and development of the city shows just
how foreign Keenan finds humanity. Falcomon admiring how orderly
society can be shows their different perspectives.
Gotsumon is still thinking about
nothing but murder, and considers Keenan the ultimate traitor for
getting his ass carried to the human world. It's terribly convenient
that he happens to find another gate to the human world, and
incredibly coincidental that he manages to find one that takes him
straight to the north where Yoshi, Marcus and Keenan are en route. It
actually raises the interesting question of what would happen if a
hostile Digimon realized outside of the immediate metropolitan area
without a corresponding Data Squad road trip. But whatever...
Gotsumon exposes Keenan as human and Keenan collapses in a fit of
emotion realizing that he's everything he hates. It would be a little
more genuine if Sampson didn't already do the “they're your
parents” bit and Falcomon wasn't so desperate to distract Keenan
when Marcus accidentally outed him. Apparently Gotsumon is a more
trustworthy source.
My Grade: B
Loose Data:
- Odd that the recap of the last episode didn't focus on what Merukimon was talking about or any of the important stuff, but them fighting and getting the hell out of there.
- Megumi's PawnChessmon serves the tea instead. Truly, Kamemon will be missed.
- Keenan does make some neat observations about how watching TV isn't all that different from looking at pictures or reflections. It's all in the interpretation.
- Yoshi is angry at Marcus for falling asleep rather than keeping her company on the long drive. She says all this to Lalamon, who is keeping her company on the long drive.
"Yoshi is angry at Marcus for falling asleep rather than keeping her company on the long drive. She says all this to Lalamon, who is keeping her company on the long drive."
ReplyDeleteHa, yeah that is interesting to notice. Then again, the Digimon don't exactly have the richest social lives, since they spend half of it in a Digivice and the other half beating up other Digimon, so what would they talk about?
These reviews are great. I can't wait to see what you make of the Kurata arc.