In this episode, a massive attack on
the human world gets so ugly that Miki and Megumi join the front
lines. And they're gonna milk it for all it's worth!
This is a series defined by escalation.
When there's a bad situation, a worse one is just around the corner.
When the humans do something wrong, the Digimon do something
terrible, and the human response becomes downright evil. Even though
Data Squad is already nearing its halfway mark, this episode makes
everything before this point feel like nothing more than an
introduction. This moment is the proper start of the war, the first
glimpse of some of the trump cards the humans hold, and the rare
feeling that the good guys are truly helpless to stop the horrors
that are about to happen.
What's crazy is that until Gotsumon's
army dropped in, it didn't feel like any of that. Part of that has to
do with Merukimon. Sometimes he feels like a very standard major
villain- big, burly, but ultimately beatable. Other times, his
measured approach reduces the scope of the battles. He's not the type
of leader who's going to throw thousands of troops into a battlefield
because he doesn't know what their chances of winning are or how the
enemy will respond. So you end up with the Data Squad taking on
single monsters leading up to Merukimon himself, whom they probably
could have beaten if they weren't so concerned with getting the hell
out of there. After that, Marcus, Yoshi and Keenan's run-ins with Hashima are positive plot developments, but still don't suggest just
how nasty things are about to get.
There isn't even a chance to properly
wrap up Keenan hiding from Hashima. After an awesome escape, Sampson
is right- taking him back to base was really stupid. That decision
has to stem from Yoshi, who cares enough to not want to see Keenan
arrested but unwilling to go completely on the lam for his sake. It's
refreshing to see someone have an ethical conflict without turning it
into a big production the way Cody and Henry did, but her ultimate
action means nobody wins.

Despite seeming more like Demidevimon
than any major villain, Gotsumon's attack manages to make a lot of
primary villains look bad. His direct approach avoids the pitfall
that doomed the likes of Devimon and Mercurymon. He will never be
accused of getting too cute by rounding up a horde of strong Digimon
and terrorizing the whole damn city. Hell, Myotismon wasn't even this
effective! It overwhelms the Data Squad, to the point where they've
got to bust out reserve fighters like the PawnChessmon. Miki and
Megumi might have the most entertaining transformation sequence this
side of Suzie's card slash.

My Grade: B+
Loose Data:
- For somebody who's a bit wishy-washy on her capacity to run afoul of DATS, Yoshi does some amazing driving in this episode.
- Merukimon only wants to punish those who were responsible for the original attack on the Digital World while SaberLeomon presumably wants to strike back with equivalent force. This is why Gotsumon's terms are so confusing: they don't necessitate the city being engulfed in flames.
- Last episode, DATS picked up Hagurumon from a hundred miles away. Now it can't pick up Falcomon in the city.
- The stat screen says Boarmon is unstoppable once it's charging. Lilamon stops several while they're charging.
- Everything Miki and Megumi do, from their positioning on a tall rooftop to their choreography, suggests that they've spent a lot of time in the break room rehearsing this moment, hoping it comes up someday. Apparently they watched a lot of Sailor Moon growing up. Interestingly, Miki is associated with the color black but has a primarily white digivice while Megumi's is black despite being associated with white.
- I know the show can't play all of its cards in one episode, but the whole city's getting blasted to smithereens. Kudamon had to have at least been thinking about it, right?
- You know who acts completely rationally despite being portrayed as a total asshole in this episode? Hashima. You're damn right he should want to take Gotsumon's deal, especially if he really believes Keenan was the one fiddling with the gate in the Criers' basement. If it's really possible to cease all connection to the Digital World, both sides might be better off.
"So where does Gotsumon screw up? He shows mercy. Rather than just annihilate the city like he probably wants to and probably has the monpower for, he gives an ultimatum- surrender Keenan and destroy all the connections to the Digital World. The hell? Terminating the connection is an oddly peaceful resolution for him and getting Keenan back would be nothing more than a trophy."
ReplyDeleteI think he was just lying at that point to make his job easier. Getting them to cough up Keenan ahead of time would save him the trouble and uncertainty of bulldozing the city and hoping Keenan got caught in the crossfire. I can imagine Gotsumon simply telling his troops to keep attacking and screw the ultimatum.
Wow, not much mention of the conflict between SaberLeomon and Merukimon? Considering they featured prominently at the beginning, and considering how it contrasts Merukimon with the DATS perception of him, I thought it would've been worth a bit more comment, especially when you add that SaberLeomon was the one who gave Gotsumon the troops and had a role to play in Kurata's backstory.
ReplyDeleteThe Pteramon sounded fake with those silly screeches.
ReplyDeleteKurata makes an entrance at last! Now things are going to get interesting.
what was up with sabverleomon he was frigkin HUUGE! i dont think he was that big
ReplyDelete"Everything Miki and Megumi do, from their positioning on a tall rooftop to their choreography, suggests that they've spent a lot of time in the break room rehearsing this moment, hoping it comes up someday. Apparently they watched a lot of Sailor Moon growing up. Interestingly, Miki is associated with the color black but has a primarily white digivice while Megumi's is black despite being associated with white."
ReplyDeleteIt's particularly amusing because they're voiced by the dub voices of Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury.