In this episode, despite all the
victories in the world, Mikey realizes it's impossible for everyone
to leave Underworld alive. Turns out Underworld isn't all that picky
about who it takes.
Normally, everything that went down
last time would have meant the end of the arc. The Fusion Fighters
defeated Twilight, Beelzemon defeated Laylamon, and Mikey was at
least able to make Ewan begin to doubt all of the lies he had been
told. It's a good time for everyone to retreat to their corner, heal
their wounds and determine where to go next. Unfortunately, even with
so few pieces still capable and willing to fight, the rules of the
game still apply and nobody's getting back to Bright Land until
either Mikey or Ewan is dead.

Their digifuse is strong enough to
swallow up all of Underworld, which makes ending the game a priority.
The probing process looks rough, and even as Wisemon has a solution
that doesn't involve anyone dying, it's still awfully morbid and
terribly risky. The series does a lot of growing up in this arc, and
the dub doesn't dance around the subject matter. Even worse is when
it comes time to do the actual procedure and Mikey is given a 50/50
chance of dying. Plenty of characters, including Mikey, have done
similarly dangerous things in the past. Never were they given the
odds and asked to make an informed decision. While it's ultimately
successful, of course, it looks plenty painful and a long time passes
before Mikey finally wakes up.
Beelzemon knew his odds were far worse.
It's hard to say he was even braver. He knew he wasn't going to
survive, so engaging Evilbeast Laylamon was an easy decision for him,
especially when it came with the opportunity to finally avenge his
temple brethren. This is why it was so crucial to introduce this
sudden relationship with Mervamon. Abrupt as this may have been, with
everybody else occupied, it offered someone to tell him to stop, and
someone to accompany him when he refused to listen. She and Cutemon
had the best idea of how bad his condition was, and they stood by him
as he gave his life up. Mervamon also represented a central figure to
mourn his loss, an important symbol of heartbreak for a death that
seemed so inevitable.
My Grade: A
Loose Data:
- Beelzemon drops the old “just a flesh wound” line. Trite as it is, it adds a certain bravado as it's hard to tell if Mervamon actually believes him. Either way, even Shoutmon and Cutemon start to wonder about HiTsundereMervamon.
- If there was ever a better sign of not caring anymore, Blastmon kills the Vilemon only because they were annoying Laylamon.
- If there was ever a better sign that even the bad guys are worn out from this place, Ewan insists on keeping Axemon in his Fusion Loader until he's healed rather than pull him out and risk further injury.
- Blink and you might miss him, but was that Shoutmon X3 saving Beelzemon? It's kinda cool how even this late in the series, all of Shoutmon's forms are popping out at various points.
- While so much of the focus is on Beelzemon and Mervamon, how about Cutemon sticking with them and trying to do his job in such rough conditions? Brave little boy, that one.
Hey kids! This Saturday is Odaiba
Day and with a Digimon Festival happening in Japan, we're expecting
more information about Tri. I'll be doing a livestream starting at
12:00 pm Eastern Time, where we'll break down what we learn, answer
questions, show clips on request, and anything else related to
Digimon that you want to discuss! Check it out!
Did Blastmon kill the Vilemon in the dub? Huh, in the sub they died because they tried to pull Lilithmon out of the lava. Strange thing, that.