In this episode, if you want
something done right, maybe you shouldn't use the lifeless bodies of
your minions while trapping their souls in limbo so they won't
revolt. Because they might anyway.
This whole notion about fighting the
Dark Generals again still doesn't feel all that essential. That's not
to say that they aren't good episodes. The execution of the story is
perfectly fine and Olegmon and Apollomon closed out their stories
with resolutions that are a little happier even if they still end up
dead. There's a good parable about an alliance based on trust and
friendship against one of subjugation and coercion. It's a tidy
lesson for one episode, but hasn't that been the point of the entire
Perhaps the best indicator of what kind
of episode we're dealing with is that it starts out with a
ridiculously dramatic, full-length fusion sequence unleashing upon
the land the might of... Shoutmon X3. You know, the one that debuted
forty-seven episodes ago. The reason for the fanfare is the
improbability of forming even that, as Prison Land is only hosting
digicores and not physical bodies, and especially since Mikey can
make it happen even though he probably shouldn't even have a
digicore. This series is a little more vague on the composition of
humans in the Digital World than Tamers or Frontier, so it's hard to

On the flip side, it's clear that the
Dark Generals aren't all that invested in this fight. They love the
idea of getting their revenge on Mikey. That drives them early on.
What they don't love is answering to anybody. They get snippy when
Apollomon Whispered makes some commands and even refuses to call them
proper allies, which is part of what persuades Olegmon to jump ship
in favor of a side with a real bond. Much later, as the strain of
Grand Generamon drains their souls, they realize that AxeKnightmon
does not care at all about them and basically surrender. After all,
if he really considered them allies, he wouldn't have trapped them in
Prison Land in the first place.

The real reason the Fusion Fighters are
able to succeed is because AxeKnightmon is too insistent on
maintaining control. Maybe he's getting paranoid with his endgame in
sight. Maybe he's determined not to let outside variables interfere
the way they did with Ewan. Maybe he really is incapable of trusting
the other Dark Generals, no matter how loyally most of them had
served. Maybe it's the same thing we've seen all season long and evil
loses because they don't have any faith in their allies. Maybe that's
actually a foreboding sign, since Bagramon's lack of hands-on
activity this season suggests that he has more faith in his
subordinates than anybody.
My Grade: B+
Loose Data:
- We don't get too much personality out of the five non-turning Dark Generals, but at least we get a line or two from each of them. It's also fitting that the ones who were most isolated like Splashmon were the most annoyed by Apollomon giving the orders, the prideful Dorbickmon takes the first shot on X3, and Gravimon just wants to hurt something.
- Apollomon and Olegmon seem to have a surprisingly good understanding about the regenerator AxeKnightmon used, where it's located and how to destroy it. It's not like their cores were ever there.
- Odd that Grand Generamon is re-imagined with only five components instead of his original seven.
- AxeKnightmon drops an “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” Unexpected place for a Star Wars reference.
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