In this episode, Tagiru learns never
to feed his Pagumon after midnight. Or before midnight. Or ever,
really. Starving your Digimon is a very important lesson for a
Abandoning the traditional one-on-one
relationships with Digimon is one of the boldest things Xros Wars
does. Instead, the Digimon comprise an army that band together for a
common cause. At least that's how it works for most of the story.
Hunters creates two significant differences: only one member of the
army can be out at a time (with a second when digixros is used), and
most of the members are conscripted, not enlisting voluntarily. That
creates a totally different dynamic between the way Digimon work with
their hunter and the way they worked with their general.

Pagumon, despite the way he harasses
the okonomiyaki guy, is Tagiru's easiest catch yet. Dangerous as he
ends up being, he doesn't seem to be all that malicious. If he was,
he would have gorged on that yummy pancake thing and went full
Gremlins first chance he got. He doesn't take kindly to his capture,
however, bawling incessantly as he is destined to spend the rest of
his life in Tagiru's servitude. It's understandable, really, as is
the desire to get out for some fresh air once in a while. Makes you
wonder how Sagomon's doing cooped up in there.
At the same time, Pagumon doesn't seem
too resentful of his capture, even offering to help Tagiru capture
Jagamon, even if friction with Gumdramon causes that hunt to go
south. He's just very childish, uncontrollable and unaware of how
much of a threat he can pose with something in his tummy. He's
apologetic of both his argument with Gumdramon and nearly destroying
the city. Whether it's sincere doesn't matter too much. The real
question is why he feels he needs to show such respect to Tagiru.
It's the same with MetalTyrannomon.
He's been locked up for a few episodes, so perhaps he's more resigned
to his fate. At the same time, he's a fighter and eager to let out
his frustrations. With Gumdramon gone, he sees an opportunity to be
the go-to guy and leaps at the chance. The question here is whether
hunted Digimon need this time out of the Xros Loader. Do they get
rusty if they don't get time to stretch their legs and fight? Do they
come to resent their hunter if they are never used? Do good hunters
account for this and allow their captures regular sparring time that
we never see? Did anyone tell Tagiru this?

My Grade: C-
Loose Data:
- Tagiru says Taiki promised to treat him to okonomiyaki if he scored in the basketball game. This is a reasonable incentive... if they were playing soccer. In basketball, everybody in the game should be expected to put a few points on the board.
- Pagumon is unfamiliar with the concept of eating, yet tries to eat Tagiru's food baby the first time he pops out.
- Taiki and Yuu's Xros Loaders ending up in the batter is a dumb gag. The fact that they couldn't immediately tell which okonomiyaki they were in is dumber. The fact that they were still in perfect working order once retrieved is dumbest. There are Digimon inside those things!
- Boy, for being run completely run ragged by all the Pagumon, that okonomiyaki guy is really stoked to put an insane amount of effort into building Gumdramon his giant bait. Does he even have an available store he can cook that sucker in without drawing attention?
So does this make Ryouma better or worse than Ren, Airu and Tagiru?
ReplyDeleteAt this point in the series, a bit better than Tagiru. Miles better than Ren or Airu.
DeleteAnd this is THE "bad guy" among these characters given his actual allegiances. When he's the most respectable, you know this show has a problem.
DeleteI disagree, I think that makes him worse and that's GOOD. Ren and Airu's jackass ways get dull fast and make them lose credibility as villains rather than gain any (Airu becomes fun once she changes her ways, Ren sadly never does), whereas Ryouma comes off as more sinister and threatening through the way he operates and it makes him engaging to watch. It doesn't end up amounting to much in the end, but before that point he was always the best candidate to succeed Yuu as the new Digimon Emperor-type of kid villain.