In this episode, the sights, sounds,
and smells of the school festival give everybody the chance to fool
everybody else into thinking everything's just fine.
One of the key themes in Determination
is how open a person is willing to be with their thoughts and
feelings. Mimi shared everything openly and acted on instinct, and
ended up pissing off most of her class and accidentally shot down a
helicopter. Joe is keeping everything bottled up, leaving everybody
from his family to his partner to the other digidestined guessing
what he's struggling with. Both of them continue to face the
aftermath of their decisions. While they're at it, however, everybody
else follows Joe's lead and spends much of the culture festival not
talking about their problems. You know it's serious when it feels
like the only one who's communicating properly is the goddamn moe
Meiko does single-handedly save both
the cafe and Mimi by volunteering to wear Haruhi's bunny girl
costume. By this point, Mimi's done with the whole concept and
expecting another half-assed classroom cafe filled with the
unrealized hopes of what she wanted Daters Tsukishima to be. It says
a lot that Meiko actually wants to wear that outfit- a sign that she
values her new friends and wants to see their ideas come to fruition,
even if it means totally embarrassing herself. Mimi is completely
reinvigorated by the act, and the cafe becomes a hit as a result.

Even the grown-ups aren't talking! Maki
is well aware of a possible distortion on festival day and even
catches a glimpse of the Kaiser walking around, but rather than alarm
the digidestined, she's content with ensuring that the Digimon are
safe with Koushiro and patrolling the grounds with Daigo. Her
childhood seems to parallel Joe's as she endured a difficult
adjustment to adulthood, losing interest in things like culture
festivals as she transitioned from elementary to high school and
Hell, some other strange entity is
getting in on the lack of good communication with a cryptic e-mail to
Koushiro and Maki. They're left to ponder the meaning of two
different messages- one referring to two sides of the universe and
another about going beyond the darkness to claim true power. What
they mean and who they're from are obviously mysteries to be
unraveled later, but such mysteries are the reason Determination puts
us more at ease than Reunion. Between these e-mails, the whole Kaiser
business, Maki identifying the Kaiser as Ken and... well, pretty much
everything Maki does, we're left with major questions. But unlike
Reunion, where we weren't sure if the series is aware of the
questions we have, at least Determination deliberately throws them
our way. It's communicating to us that they will get around to
answering them someday.
My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- Koushiro endures a semi-lengthy process to translate the digicode in the e-mail to Japanese while Tentomon looks on. Gotta ask- can Digimon normally read digicode?
- Poor Gomamon. He runs away disappointed that Joe's not fighting only to end up having to listen to a conversation commending Palmon and Meicoomon for how bravely they fought.
- Given how the rest of the movie unfolds, it's easy to wonder if Maki somehow knew that texting Koushiro a saucy Mimi pic would lead to both him and the rest of the Digimon all heading over to the culture festival and serving Meicoomon to the Kaiser. Maki anticipating all of this happening is about as realistic as Bagramon popping out of the next distortion to applaud her amazing foresight. Koushiro would never have abandoned the Digimon if he had any fears about their safety, sexy Mimi be damned. And Maki wouldn't have gone all the way to visit the office, and definitely wouldn't have bought them all snacks if she knew they wouldn't be there (or planned on taking them to the festival herself).
- Yamato's sparkling teeth in the concert was silly. Takeru's sparkling too was ridiculous and probably saved that whole bit. Also, was this actually Yamato's band reconfigured a third time, or some supergroup assembled just for the festival?
- As if moe-Meiko wasn't cute enough, you've got Takeru's flirting to make her more uncomfortable, much to Mimi's dismay (and Hikari ignoring the whole thing).
If you paid attention, Maki only texted Mimi's picture after hearing Meicoomon was in Koushiro's office, with the rest of the Digimon. I think it was deliberate, to lure him out of the office (that's really cold, to use a sixteen-year-old hormones against him), then she volunteered to take care of the Digimon for him. so she could get her hands on Meicoomon. She obviously didn't expect the Digimon to get out of the office on their own.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Tentomon didn't go to Digi-School. It could just be that the "smart" or computer Digimon like Andromon or Centauromon can read it.