In this episode, Leomon dies.
Just... probably not in the way we expected.
As we said at the very beginning, tri.
is a very deliberate movie. It moves slowly, chooses its points of
emphasis very carefully, and isn't afraid to burn an entire episode
on development or even pure fun. The climax of Determination has
enough action, suspense and surprise to make you forget this. There's
a kidnapping, a fight with some new evolutions, a dramatic
redemption, and a shocking twist. It's a brilliant conclusion, but
take any of those at face value and you'll miss everything.

No matter what they call him, nothing
about either this Kaiser or the strange pocket dimension he pulls
Meicoomon into is natural. The Imperialdramon that appears finally
serves up some good action as Gomamon and Palmon get the full
evolution spread, delivering us Vikemon and Rosemon for the first
time. Exciting a climax as that is, as Koushiro points out, it's
another mystery. So is the Kaiser's willingness to simply release
Meicoomon upon Imperialdramon's defeat. He (“it” may be more
appropriate here) had more than enough time to get out of there
(assuming he could actually take her with him), but instead smiled
and happily returned the suddenly panicked Meicoomon. We have to
think there was a point to the fight, but calling it a simple rescue
effort is premature.

Despite all the questions, everybody
looked like they were going to get out of it in one piece.
Imperialdramon was defeated, Meicoomon was released, and Leomon
fought off a possible infection to get her, Pukamon and Tanemon home
safely. That's when everything goes to hell: Meicoomon has a vision
of infected Leoomon and freaks out, Meiko's digivice turns black with
a weird helix pattern on the display, Meicoomon either evolves or
goes dark, Leomon becomes another statistic, and to everyone's horror
Meicoomon jumps back into the darkness- wandering off yet again.
As the new girl learns that emotional
devastation is part of the digidestined initiation process, Maki
smiles and walks away. Calling her and her agency villainous over one
smirk is too presumptive (and would be horribly telegraphed), but her
lack of concern about the situation is still disturbing. Whether
she's happy that Meicoomon is realizing her potential, that her
theories about Meicoomon being the source of the infections are
confirmed, or that tri. finally has a promising plot development,
Maki has a big picture outlook. She values the digidestined as
knights in her battle, but a chess player is willing to sacrifice a
knight under the right circumstances.
My Grade: A
Loose Data:
- You know what's not a big picture outlook? The Digimon being terribly disobedient and entering a costume contest and Meiko being excited about her partner winning and Yamato thinking Gabumon deserved it more. This is why we love these kids.
- Takeru and Hikari watch both Yamato's concert and Taichi playing soccer. It's not as big a deal as a gig at an actual music venue or a competitive game, but it's nice that they have an audience now.
- While we're asking questions about this mysterious dimension, who's controlling who gets in and out?What allowed Palmon, Gomamon and Leomon and only those three in? Was that a mistake that interrupted a clean getaway or a deliberate move? Perhaps the big question is this: whoever's controlling this sort of stuff- has anything gone wrong for them yet? The Kaiser's smile never let up.
- As big a deal as it is seeing the Kaiser again, he's always associated as a villain in that get-up. Hikari wonders about Imperialdramon as well, somebody who has always been on their side.
I agree 100% with your take on Joe's atitude in this episode. In fact, I found it similar to what happened to Taichi last movie: both boys were backed into a corner and made themselves swallow their issues and fight, for the ones they cared about: the former, Gomamon, the latter, Yamato. In both cases, it was good enough for that specific moment. We know now that Taichi still has doubts and, in my opinion, the harder he conceals then, the bigger problem they get. Joe seemed to be much more confident during Ketsui's climax that Taichi seemed during Saikai's, but We'll have to wait for the next movie to see where Joe stands.
ReplyDeleteI'm still not convinced that was really Ken, especially since he just vanished in thin air after the Battle with Imperialdramon. It could've been a copy, like what they tried to do with Sora. Also, for all they know, the kids killed two of their friends Digimon partners and didn't even bat an eye. In the end, we're left with the same unanswered questions from Saikai, which frustrates me a lot. The good news is that now they'll have to adress what happened to the 02 cast. The bad news is We'll have to wait 6 months for the next movie.