In this episode, the eight digidestined cope
with their lack of control by sitting down and projecting all their
problems onto the new girl. Daigo meanwhile projects all his onto the
eight digidestined.
Without a doubt, the character under the biggest
spotlight and with the most scrutiny in this movie is Meiko. Her
predicament is fully examined, her flaws as a digidestined are
acknowledged, and nobody else has such a defined character journey
leading up to her big decision at the end. But when you think about
who the main players are here, the field broadens. After all, while
Meiko’s climactic choice is significant, there are plenty of other
things in this ending that take priority. The easiest way to
reconcile that is understanding that all of Meiko’s problems really
aren’t about Meiko.
All throughout tri., most of what Meiko and Maki
face have direct parallels to at least one of the eight digidestined.
Maki forgets what it’s like to be a kid while Joe grapples between
childhood and adult responsibilities. Meiko and Takeru both know more
than they let on about their partners’ states, screwing over the
team. Maki and Sora respond to a rebooted partner that doesn’t care
for them anymore. While Maki’s situation now drifts towards Hikari,
Meiko now faces something all of them have contended with- being
burdened with an unfair, impossible responsibility and feeling
totally inadequate for the job. These kids have something to say
about that!
The two scenes exploring this are best appreciated
by ignoring Meiko and focusing on everyone’s responses to her. Sora
espouses the dangers of bottling up her feelings (the way she always
did). Yamato presses the need for them to solve all of their problems
together (the way he often forgot). Hikari steals the scene with a
long speech of encouragement, pointing out how even if she thinks her
heart is weak, it’s strengthened by having faith and friends to
share in her burden (the way she’ll completely abandon soon). It’s
a touching reminder of how far they’ve all come, and how even a
situation as desperate as Meiko’s doesn’t feel insurmountable to
them anymore. While this relentless optimism begins to feel
self-destructive as Meicoomon spins farther out of control and their
unity puts them at odds with Homeostasis, leave it to these eight to
keep their chins up despite the growing danger.

If Meiko’s actions aren’t as important and
Hikari’s story doesn’t truly start until the end, the two
goggleheads take up the helm as main players. It’s the first time
we’ve seen Daigo taking an active role, and his motivation is
clear. Hackmon’s announcement that Homeostasis will be taking care
of Meicoomon its own way is, by nature, a slap in the face. It’s
throwing all of the digidestined under the bus and leaving them
hanging, particularly insulting since they used to be the entity’s
way. Now, when their impossible task starts to actually look
impossible, they’re deemed ineffective. Daigo starts asking really
good questions about why they were entrusted with these impossible
tasks in the first place. For all the perks of having a Digimon
partner, the psychological damage is awfully severe. Daigo ends up
taking action, ensuring the kids’ security upon their return,
realizing that nobody else is going to.

My Grade: A-
Loose Data:
- While it felt like the right time for the Digimon to interrupt, Agumon waking up asking about food felt like a stretch. For all the work tri.’s done with Gomamon, Piyomon and Tailmon, Agumon feels more single-note than ever.
- Hackmon describes Meicoomon as mutating instead of evolving, claiming that it can’t be evolution if it only has a destructive element. While that sounds out of place when you consider the evolved villains we’ve seen, Homeostasis is out to ensure a balance between light and dark and will absolutely welcome darkness to the world as long as it doesn’t go too far.
- What kind of conversation did Hackmon or Homeostasis have to get the SDF mobilized per their needs? Did Hackmon show up in a meeting room or was it a really awkward Skype conversation?
- The lack of a reminder that the Digimon were rebooted feels off, but knowing they were makes their insistence that they want the digidestined to stick around in the world all the more heartwarming. That bond isn’t automatic now, but they still want to follow these kids around.
- Anyone get some episode 21 vibes when they returned to the real world? The kid with the ball was a nice touch.
- Maybe it’s me, but there was something badass in the way Daigo announced his full job title to the police? It’s screams “I’m more important than you” even though it’s plain to see he’s pretty low on the bureau’s totem pole. Also, Daigo nodding along during their talk about hope suggests at least that he’s found his people. At most, with Maki being his team’s Hikari, he might be their Takeru.
Daigo is absolutely my MVP for this episode for assuming the worst and rushing to guarantee the safety of the Chosen Eight & Meiko. (He messes up in one way though IMO; he doesn't tell any of the kids about the bit of Apoclymon's data inside Meicoomon. They beat him once, surely that expertise could be useful going forward!)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think it's absolutely criminal we don't get to see Hackmon talking to the SDF brass. If only so we could see how he convinced them to listen to & trust his (Homeostasis') plan.
And yes, I 100% got episode 21 vibes from their return to the real world.
This movie left me with some serious questions regarding time flow. Are we back to the Adventure standard where One Week in the real world = Seven Years in the Digital World? Or is it the 1:1 rate of time established in 02 after the defeat of Apocalypsemon? If it's the former then that explains how there's so many evolved Digimon ready for this invasion and makes the partner Digimon more than a week old, however if it isn't Narnia time then how the hell has the invasion advanced so much in the time the kids were stuck in the Digital World? They should have left the Digital World only seconds after King Drasil's army yet the first people they meed immediately know multiple cities have been attacked.
ReplyDeleteI agree about Agumon; I don't think he manages a single scene in the movies without talking about food. Disappointing because when you consider his moments with BlackWarGreymon in 2 for example you see how layered he could be before.