In this episode, Meicoomon’s rampage broadens
and intensifies to the real world, making Meiko wonder whose
brilliant idea it was to partner them up. As does the entity whose
brilliant idea was to partner them up.
The second-to-last movie is always saddled with
the task of making sure everything is set up for the big finale.
Approaching it, you ask what has to happen to get everything in the
right position for a clean finish. Coexistence is tricky since the
rising intensity flies under the radar until the end, so it doesn’t
feel like everything’s ready to be tied up. It’s a quiet process,
but all the important details are framed for us and all the pieces
are in place for a smooth resolution. The first part is sort of a
microcosm of this movie- taking time out to reset the stage and set
up everything that will come later. It all pays off eventually, but
it makes for an episode that on its own doesn’t have much of
Take the opening flashback for example. Between
getting Meiko’s story at the end of movie three and the quick image
of Meicoomon in a fiery lab, there isn’t anything new here other
than Maki’s presence. But it frames everything to make an ominous
statement: this random girl out in the sticks was chosen to become a
digidestined, bonded to a violent, dangerous animal with no direction
or objective. She’s been dealing with this for six years, and now
this Mysterious Man is poking Meicoomon with a stick to push her
overboard. Meiko didn’t know what she was doing when things were
peaceful. Now that they aren’t, of course she’s totally lost and
desperate for some sort of guidance.

The conversations Hackmon has with Daigo and Mr.
Mochizuki here aren’t the good ones. Those are later. As he was in
Loss, Hackmon continues to be in exposition mode here, offering a
couple new details but mostly confirming Meicoomon’s capacity to
destroy everything and Meiko being called upon to prevent this.
This’ll all lead to a pivotal moment for Daigo, but for now it
achieves two things. One is that Homeostasis now becomes a proper
character (whether it has any distinction from Hackmon remains to be
seen), capable of making decisions and being praised and criticized
for them. That leads to the second- we now are in a position to
criticize the core mechanic of Digimon: selecting a child to partner
with a Digimon and save the world. This fundamental concept is on
trial throughout the movie.

After a surprise nightfall, the kids rest and the
panic starts to set in. Meiko’s defenses have finally eroded to a
point where she’ll tell the digidestined the truth about her messy
relationship with Meicoomon, accepting responsibility for her failure
to control her partner. The eight are nothing but sympathetic. Unlike
Homeostasis, they know how hard the job is, especially Meiko’s, and
accept and forgive results that are less than ideal, even when the
consequences are this drastic. They even admire Meiko for refusing to
give up on her partner when walking away from it must have been a
tempting option. They’re the support group Meiko probably needed
for a while. They also might be taking the worst possible approach to
this situation. But we’ll get to that later.
My Grade: B
Loose Data:
- Seeing the Meiko/Meicoomon relationship unravel like this, it’s fun to think back to all the seeds planted in the first two movies. Meicoomon was running around on her own for most of the first movie while Meiko was left looking for her. Her randomly ditching Meiko multiple times at the bath and during the culture festival were clear signs just how uncontrollable this Digimon really was.
- The sudden appearance (and eventually disappearance) of Maki’s rifle is a bit confusing, but I give it a pass since I wondered last movie why she’d attempt to go into the Digital World unarmed. Oh, and she’s still pretty damn broken.
- The kids looked to be surrounded by Digimon while stuck on the boat, but somehow managed to escape all that. You sure they couldn’t have shown how they blasted their way out of there? Just a bit? Pretty please?
- It’s hard to tell whether Tailmon staying in her Adult form is a force-of-habit error or evidence of the nature of the reboot. If everything really got rebooted, so did her experience with Vamdemon that made her a natural Adult to begin with. The kids probably wouldn’t dwell on this, but I bet Tailmon herself would be curious! If you ask me, having her defaulting to Plotmon from here on out would be a nice reminder that yes, the reboot really did happen and not everything can go back to the way it was.
- It’s short and a little obvious, but the scene with Mrs. Yagami tears at you knowing how she clearly misses her kids, but she’s almost numb to the sort of danger she knows they must be in.
- Meicoomon having Apocalymon’s data is one of the best-planned details that might be pointless background. Meicoomon’s design evokes his double helix theme, the timing works out perfectly, and it’s pretty clear what that egg and black datum in the prologue of Reunion was now.
- The best part of the campfire scene is noting what each kids says to Meiko and how fitting it is. We’ll tackle that next time, but on this side of the break Yamato tells Meiko partnership isn’t about the Digimon obeying everything the child says. Remember when Yamato was convinced to do something stupid and Gabumon went along with it despite his reservations?
I just hope that they will keep the 02 ending, not a big fan of the Hikari x Takeru pairing.
ReplyDelete"They’re the support group Meiko probably needed for a while. They also might be taking the worst possible approach to this situation. But we’ll get to that later."
ReplyDelete...okay this has me intrigued for what you're going to say on this sooner. I was super glad with how that scene around the campfire turned out, though; Sora got to be thr Team Mom again and Taichi seemed like a compassionate leader; something more mature than his older ways of leading.
Also: Is it just me or is this episode/part here using a lot of cheap stills, moreso than previous films. This, plus stuff like Tailmon instead of Plotmon & Maki’s there-not-there rifle, makes me feel like some things were rushed.
I wondered about the Gatomon base state too and agree that it would have been better to show that the reboot mattered by keeping her as Salamon (as it is the loss of memory effects precisely zero after Phoenixmon arrives on the scene). However, it does still make some sense, that being convenience. All of the Digimon are able to go to and maintain indefinitely Champion right now, despite their young age. Gatomon just happens to be the only Champion that can comfortably fit inside a building so she has no reason not to stay in that form.